Symptoms of breast cancer and prevention

Breast cancer is a common malignant tumour, mainly in women ‘ s breast tissues. It is the result of an abnormal increase in breast cells and can spread rapidly to surrounding tissues and other parts. Breast cancer usually occurs in the form of lumps or knots, but it may also be manifested in non-swollen symptoms. Breast cancer can be divided into different types, such as non-invasive breast cancer and invasive breast cancer. Non-invasive breast cancer grows in the mammary tube and does not spread outside the mammary tissue, while invasive breast cancer spreads to the surrounding tissue and lymphoma knots. Early symptoms of breast cancer may not be apparent, and common symptoms include breast swelling, skin change, breast spills, etc. Breast cancer is a multi-factor-induced disease, including genetic factors, age, hormone levels, lifestyle, etc., which may affect its risk. Early breast cancer is usually curable, but treatment of late-stage breast cancer may be difficult, so early detection and diagnosis are essential for breast cancer treatment and prognosis.

Diagnosis and screening of breast cancer

The diagnosis and examination of breast cancer consists mainly of early symptoms of breast cancer, common clinical performance, and commonly used diagnostic methods and detection techniques for breast cancer. In the early stages of breast cancer, patients often have no visible symptoms and therefore need to pay attention to medical examinations and periodic breast self-examination. Common clinical performances include breast swelling, skin changes, nipple spills, etc. The diagnostic methods for breast cancer, which include breast ultrasound, mammography, mammography, etc., can help doctors to determine the location, size, morphology, etc. of the tumor.Treatment of breast cancerThe treatment of breast cancer includes surgery, treatment, chemotherapy, target treatment and endocrine treatment.Surgery is the main method of treatment for breast cancer, divided into tumour and mammography. The tumour removal procedure, which includes mammography and part mammography, aims to preserve breast form and function to the extent possible. The whole mammography operation, known as mammography, is applied in cases of high tumours or where the patient is unfit for mammography.The treatment is often used as an auxiliary treatment after surgery, and the cancer cell’s DNA is destroyed for therapeutic purposes through high-energy X-ray breast tissue.Chemotherapy uses anti-cancer drugs to kill cancer cells, often as an important means of breast cancer treatment and can be administered through intravenous or oral interventions.Target treatment is a method of treatment for specific molecular targets for breast cancer, such as the drug targeting Her2, which selectively inhibits the growth of her positive breast cancer.Endocrine treatment applies to hormonal receptor-positive breast cancer and inhibits the growth and fragmentation of cancer cells by interfering with the hormonal effect on cancer cells.