Attention to insulin use

Insulin as an important drug for the treatment of diabetes. It is crucial to help patients control blood sugar. Failure to do so could have adverse consequences. We’re going to look at insulin in detail.Insulin storageUnopened InsulinUnopened insulin should be stored in the refrigerator freezer at 2°C ~ 8°C. Avoid freezing and sunlight. Insulin degenerative effects due to freezing. High temperatures and direct sunlight can reduce insulin activity. At the same time, care should be taken to place insulin in less volatile locations, such as refrigerator doors, so as not to affect the quality of insulin.Opened InsulinOpened insulin can be kept at constant temperature (not exceeding 25°C ~ 30°C), generally for about 28 days. However, it should not be placed in areas of high temperature, humidity or sunlight, such as heating, windowsills, etc. Insulin may also be considered for placement in the freezer room if the room is over-temperature, but should be removed in advance of use to restore the insulin to normal temperatures. To reduce infirmity during injection.II. Insulin injectionInjection selection.Insulin injections are concentrated in the abdomen, outside the upper arm and in the hips. These areas are rich in fat and less neurologically distributed, facilitating insulin absorption. Different speeds, the most rapidly absorbed in the abdomen, the outside side of the upper arm and the lower part of the hip.In selecting the injection area, care should be taken to rotate and to avoid continuous injection in the same area in order to prevent partial fat atrophy or increase. The body can be divided into different areas, for example, abdomen can be divided into four quadrants, with different quadrants selected for each injection; and upper arms, thighs and hips can be injected on a rotational basis.Injection methods(1) Pre-injection preparation: hand washing, preparation of insulin insulin pens, alcoholic cotton balls, etc. Insulin may not be used when the appearance of insulin is examined in the event of abnormal conditions such as colour alteration, discomfort or sedimentation.(2) Skin sterilisation: Injective parts are wiped clean with an alcoholic cotton ball and injected after the alcohol is volatilized.(3) Injecting angle: In general, a needle of 4 mm or 5 mm can be applied vertically, and the skin can be squeezed with a longer needle. With an angle of 45 degrees.(4) Injection: After the injection, the needle shall remain under the skin for at least 10 seconds to ensure full insulin injection. If the dose is larger, the stay may be extended as appropriate.Insulin dosage adjustmentIt’s strictly medically prescribed.Patients use insulin strictly according to the doctor ‘ s prescription and cannot increase or reduce their dose. Insulin dosage and use programmes are determined by doctors based on the patient ‘ s blood sugar level, weight, diet, exercise, etc.Surveillance of blood sugarDoctors adjust insulin doses based on blood sugar monitoring. If you’re too low, you have to call a doctor. Insulin dosages are adjusted or other measures are taken under medical supervision.Dose adjustment for special casesInsulin demand may change in special circumstances such as illness, surgery, pregnancy, etc. Patients should inform their doctors in a timely manner about the adjustment of insulin doses. For example, insulin dosage may need to be increased at a time when the body is in a state of stress and blood sugar is likely to increase; Demand for insulin will vary during pregnancy due to changes in hormonal levels in the body, and blood sugar will need to be closely monitored and dosage adjusted.IV. Attention to low blood sugar.Prevention of low blood sugar(1) A reasonable diet: to eat on time, and to refrain from excessive diets or leakage. Insulin dosages should be reduced in case of reduced diet or increased exercise.(2) Regular exercise: Exercise shall be carried out after the meal and in the absence of abdominal exercise. An appropriate increase in the intake of carbohydrates should be made before the exercise. Post-motorized blood sugar is monitored in a timely manner, and insulin doses are adjusted for blood sugar.(3) Carrying foods such as candy: If there are symptoms of low blood sugar. Sugar-based foods, such as candy, biscuits, etc., should be consumed immediately to alleviate the symptoms.V. AllergiesIn serious cases, there is a general allergy, such as respiratory difficulties, reduced blood pressure, etc.ApproachInsulin use should be discontinued immediately in the event of allergies and allergies should be treated. Doctors may adjust the type of insulin or take other treatments as appropriate.Interaction with other drugsSome drugs may affect insulin.For example, medicines such as sugar cortex hormones and urea can increase blood sugar, requiring an increase in the dose of insulin, while certain medicines such as sugar mellitus, beta receptor retardants may enhance insulin, leading to an increased risk of low blood sugar.Tell the doctor what’s going on.Patients who are using insulin, and if they are using other drugs, should inform the doctor so that he or she can assess the interaction. Insulin dosage and use plans are adjusted.VII. PRESENTATIONGet to know the insulin.There is fear and resistance to insulin treatment among many patients, who believe that if insulin is used, it cannot be removed. So long as it is properly applied, there will be no dependency. Patients need to have the correct understanding of insulin treatment and to cooperate actively with doctors.Keep a good mind.Patients may experience difficulties and setbacks in the use of insulin. Injecting pain, low blood sugar. At this point in time, patients must maintain a good mental attitude, face up to it and seek the support and assistance of their families and doctors.In general, patients should be aware of insulin storage, injections, dose adjustments, etc., and closely monitor blood sugar to prevent adverse reactions such as low blood sugar. Attention is also being paid to interactions with other drugs. Maintain a good mind and actively cooperate with the doctor in his or her treatment, so that he or she can count. The aim is to control blood sugar and prevent complications.