Breast cancer is a malignant neoplasm that occurs in mammograms and can be described as one of the most common malignant neoplasms that seriously affects women ‘ s physical and mental health and even life. In 2020, female breast cancer exceeded lung cancer for the first time, becoming one of the most common cancers in the world, accounting for 17.1 per cent of new cancers. In my country, breast cancer, which remains the highest incidence of malignant neoplasm among women, has become a serious threat to the lives of patients, affecting their quality of life and, worse, their mental health and causing other psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression. It can be said that breast cancer is the “female first killer” and therefore the incidence and treatment of breast cancer deserves our attention. Basic knowledge of mammography is therefore necessary for the general public.First, we have to deal with early detection and screening of breast cancer correctly. The early detection of breast cancer is assessed in three main areas, the first of which is the assessment of the original tumour, the assessment of his body, as well as the double-sided mammography examination, ultrasound, mammographic resonance and cylindrosis; the second of which is the assessment of regional lymphoma knots, the assessment of his body and ultrasound examination, and the assessment of the scintillation of the scintillation of suspicious cases, or of the perforation of fine needles; and the third of which is the assessment of the distant stoms, including the medical examination and chest CT activity, as well as the integrated assessment of the CT and CT reports taken in the abdominal cavity.The molecular stratification of breast cancer can be judged by the correct scientific examination, broadly divided into Her-2 positive and Her-2 negative breast cancer. So what kind of breast cancer is it? We need to look at pathological diagnosis, including basic and molecular pathology of patients. First, the underlying pathology includes the size of the patient ‘ s stove, the type and grade of tissue, the existence of a pulsation, the combination of in situ cancer, and the lymphocytes around the cookstove and the lymphocyte lymphocytes, which are better assessed if there is a tumor. Molecular pathology then includes ER, PR, HER-2, Ki-67 and PD-L1 testing of all impregnated breast cancer.Finally, different treatments for breast cancer are different, for example, if the patient ‘ s pathology report shows diagnosis of a HeR-2-positive breast cancer patient, it requires treatment against the HeR-2 target and, if other indicators are combined, double-target treatment.In general, breast cancer needs to be treated with concern, without panic and with the right mind. Therefore, preventing breast cancer also requires regular screening, maintaining a sense of pleasure, adequate exercise and a healthy life. If breast cancer is diagnosed, it is necessary to visit the hospital as soon as possible, to cooperate actively in the treatment and to avoid further deterioration.
Posted inHealth and wellness