Breasts are an important part of women ‘ s charm and self-confidence, not only as a magical place for breastfeeding women. But you know what? In cold winters, when we are busy keeping warm, breast health is sometimes overlooked. As a general surgeon, I’d like to talk to you about breast disease, so that while you enjoy the warmth of winter, you can keep this beauty and health safe.
Breasts are like carefully decorated snowmen in winter, beautiful and in need of careful care. Breast disease, which sounds a little scary, covers situations ranging from breast failure to injury, functional problems, inflammation and even tumours. They are like a cold wind in winter, silently affecting our health. Some breast problems are natural, such as the lack of full breasts, such as poor nutrition and thinness in small tree seedlings in winter. And the tits, the nipples, which are not very common, but interesting. It’s like a snow-covered road in the snow, and it’s gonna have to be looked for. Most of these issues do not require special treatment unless they really affect life.
The winter was thick, and there were fewer breast injuries. But if it accidentally hit, it could be bleeding and swollen. It’s like a fall in a snowball. At this point, go to the hospital, do a check-up, see if there’s any injuries in it, and listen to the doctor’s advice. Breasts may also experience swelling and swelling in winter due to hormone changes, breastfeeding, etc. These are like occasional snowflakes, beautiful, but they can cause some little trouble. Breast growth, for example, is that the tissue in the breast is thicker and sometimes uncomfortable because of hormone changes. And a cyst of milk, which is a bag of milk that’s stuck in a tube. Most of these are benign, but they need to be checked on a regular basis just in case.
Breast inflammation is the main enemy of breast health, with low immunity in winter and increased breast vulnerability to bacterial infections. Breasts suffer from pain, swelling, fever and fever when breast infections occur. At this point, don’t drag, go to the hospital and beat bacteria with antibiotics, like a hot cup of tea in winter, warm and effective. The worst part is breast tumor. Good tumours are like snowflakes. They’re beautiful, but they have to be careful. Malignant tumours, breast cancer, that’s a big problem. Breast cancer may not have symptoms at an early stage, but if it is found that the breasts are swollen, that the nipples are liquid, that the skin is altered, etc., it is time to go to the hospital. These swellings feel like ice under the snow, hard, scary. So regular check-ups are important, like regular snow sweeps in winter, early detection of early treatment. Breast diseases are examined mainly by video-based screenings such as colours, X-rays, MRIs, etc. These are like winter’s searchlights that can see what’s inside the breasts. The doctor will judge your medical history, symptoms, etc., and then develop a treatment. The treatment of breast diseases varies. A natural or traumatic injury may require surgery. If it is functional or inflammable, it takes medicine and physiotherapy. In the case of tumours, especially of a malignant nature, there is a combination of surgery, treatment and chemotherapy. Although the process of treatment may be painful, it is like a fireplace in winter, but it brings warmth and hope.
So you have to care about breast health in winter. Regular self-censorship leads to the hospital. Check yourself to see if there has been any change in the appearance of the breast, and feel any swelling or pain in it. It is also important to maintain good habits and mentalities. Let’s work together to keep our breasts healthy and let beauty and confidence bloom in the sun of winter!