Do you think it’s hard to get wet without sex?


Hello, do you think I’ve ever had a sexual life?

Question answer:

Lack of sexual life may also lead to acute wetting, but this is relatively rare. Acute wetting is mainly caused by the human papilloma virus, which is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. However, in addition to sexual contact, the HPV virus may be transmitted by other means, such as personal effects such as clothing, towels, towels, or exposure to contaminated water or articles in public bathrooms, swimming pools, etc. of infected persons. Although the risk of infection from these non-sexual exposure routes is relatively low, it cannot be completely ruled out. Thus, even without sex, people should be vigilant in their personal hygiene and avoid sharing private goods with others, especially in public places, and be more protective. In the event of symptoms of sharp humid acupuncture, such as small particles or extraterrestrials in the vagina or around the anus, medical attention and treatment should be provided in a timely manner. If a patient is suspected or diagnosed with an acute hysteria, he can add 💬jrsy820 to a private interview.