Breast cancer patients recovered after surgery

Breast cancer surgery is more traumatic for patients, and post-operative recovery is a critical and patient process.

I. Wound care

After the operation, the first concern is the healing of the wound. The wounds are kept clean and dry and the dressing is periodically replaced in accordance with the instructions of the medical staff to avoid the infection. Do not touch or squeeze the wound at will until the wound is fully healed, in order to prevent any impact on the healing process. If abnormalities such as haematoma, seepage and increased pain are detected, the doctor must be informed in a timely manner about the treatment.

II. Physical exercise

In order to avoid lymphoid oedema in the upper limbs and to restore the normal function of the upper limbs, appropriate and timely physical exercise is essential. In the early post-operative period, a simple handshake, hand-stamping, etc., can be conducted under the direction of a doctor to promote blood circulation. As the recovery improves over time, exercise projects, such as elbows, arms lifts, etc., can be gradually increased. The exercise must be gradual and must not be carried out in such a way that the intensity and duration of each exercise should be reasonably adjusted to the condition of the person, and that it should be carried out in a long-term manner, thus helping to restore the mobility and flexibility of the upper limbs.

Dietary adjustment

Diet plays an important role in post-operative recovery. Adequate intake of high-quality proteins, such as skinny meat, fish, eggs, beans and beans, should be ensured to help repair damaged tissues. At the same time, fresh vegetables and fruit, which are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, enhance the immune capacity of the organism. Ingestion of high-fat and sugary foods should be reduced to avoid increasing the physical burden. The diet is light and digestive, and there are fewer meals to adapt to possible changes in the digestive function of the body after the operation.


Breast cancer surgery had a significant psychological impact on patients, many of whom had negative feelings of anxiety and depression. Families and friends need to be given full care and support to encourage patients to be active. Patients themselves can gain strength by participating in a number of patient exchange events to share their experiences and ideas. At the same time, a number of interests, such as drawing, reading, etc., can be developed to divert attention and help to better adjust mentalities to promote physical recovery in a good psychological state.

Periodic review

Following the operation, periodic reviews are carried out in strict compliance with the instructions of the doctor, and the possible recurrence or transfer is detected in a timely manner, including through the examination of indicators and video-testing, so that the appropriate treatment can be taken as soon as possible.

Post-operative recovery of breast cancer patients is a comprehensive process that requires a combination of post-traumatic care, physical exercise, dietary adjustment, psychological adjustment and periodic review, all of which will enable better recovery of health.