The kidney is an important organ of the human body and is responsible for the removal of waste and excess water from the body and for maintaining a balance between electrolyte and acid. However, kidney diseases have become a major threat to human health. In order to reduce the incidence of kidney disease, the following eight kidney-friendly laws allow us to protect kidney health together.I. A reasonable diet, balanced nutritionLow salt diet: high salt diet increases the kidney burden and leads to increased blood pressure. The daily intake of salt for adults should be within 6 grams.2. High-quality proteins: good-quality proteins, such as fish, skinny meat, eggs, milk, etc., in appropriate quantities to reduce intake of high-protein foods in order to reduce the kidney burden.3. Sufficient water: Ensuring adequate daily water intake helps to remove waste from kidneys. It should be noted, however, that patients with oedema, hypertension and heart disease should receive appropriate quantities of drinking water under medical supervision.II. Weight control to avoid obesityObesity increases the kidney burden and causes diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, thereby damaging the kidneys. Maintenance of healthy body weight through a reasonable diet and proper exercise contributes to the prevention of kidney disease.III. Regularity, adequate sleepEnsuring adequate sleep helps to repair and regenerate kidneys. Long periods of late and irregular sleep can lead to reduced immunity and increased risk of kidney disease.IV. Prohibition of smoking and alcohol and healthy livingBoth smoking and drinking can cause kidney damage. Prohibition of alcohol and tobacco has helped to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and kidney diseases.V. EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPMENTAppropriate motion enhances CPR function, improves blood circulation and reduces the kidney burden. It is proposed to conduct mid-intensity campaigns of three to five times a week for more than 30 minutes each.Prevention of infection and attention to hygieneInfection is one of the major causes of kidney disease. Taking care of personal hygiene and avoiding the use of out-of-date drugs can effectively prevent infection.VII. Periodic medical examinations and early detection of treatmentPeriodic kidney function checks, such as urine routines, kidney function, kidney B superpowers, etc., contribute to early detection of kidney disease and timely treatment.VIII. Pautionary use of medicines to avoid abuseDrug abuse is a common cause of kidney damage. In the use of drugs, especially antibiotics, antithermal painkillers, etc., should be used rationally, under the guidance of a doctor, to avoid abuse.Summary:The quality of life is at stake in kidney health, and the prevention of kidney disease begins in daily life. Following the above eight laws of love, let us protect our kidneys and enjoy a better life. At the same time, we need to raise awareness about kidney diseases, care for those with kidney problems and provide them with the help they can. From now on, act to make our kidneys healthier!
Posted inHealth and wellness