I’ve been walking for a year. Why can’t my blood pressure drop?

For more than a year, you can’t get your blood pressure down? It’s nothing more than normal. While we often say that fast-paced exercise is good for controlling blood pressure, it does not mean that walking is the only way to keep it down. Control of high blood pressure is a system management process, and it is not desirable to reduce blood pressure in one way or another.

For high blood pressure patients, it’s a good way to walk.

First, to correct an error zone, many friends believe that walking, if there are steps, even if they are exercise, is not. If walking in daily life, even if you walk 2,000 paces a day, it is not an effective exercise, which should be directed at heart rate rises, breathing rushes, body sweats, etc., in order to provide effective exercise for the heart and lungs, increase the metabolic function and immunity of the body, and benefit more from the health of people with hypertension.

Step-by-step exercise is particularly appropriate for high blood pressure patients. Why? Because it is easy to move and easy to control the amount of exercise, the fast-paced approach is one of the best ways to gradually increase the amount of exercise for a friend who previously did not like to exercise. During the fast-paced exercise, he or she can adjust his or her pace, control his or her pace, achieve an acceleration of his or her heart rate, micro-samples, and exercise with the best effect on his or her body. The strength of his or her exercise is medium-strength, and if he or she can continue to walk at least five times a week for about 40 to 50 minutes each time, it will be very helpful to control hypertension.

It is generally recommended that, when a fast-paced sport is carried out, it is appropriate to choose a combination of 8 minutes and 30 seconds to 9 minutes and 30 seconds per kilometre, and to complete approximately 6,000 steps of walking, which would take approximately 40 to 45 minutes, and that it is possible to increase the strength of physical exercise as the time of exercise is extended, the quality of the body improves, the speed of distribution gradually and further.

Research data show that long-suspensive exercise can reduce blood pressure by the range of 4-9 mmhg, although it is normal that this value is average, that some of the friends have more obvious effects, and that some of them may not have lost blood pressure.

You don’t have a lot of work to do with blood pressure.

For friends with medium-heavy hypertension, it is difficult to control the ideal by exercise alone, and therefore, in addition to strengthening the exercise, the rational use of drugs to regulate blood pressure is necessary. For primary high blood pressure friends, if physical exercise is not optimal for high blood pressure regulation, ask themselves the following questions:

1. Do you insist on low salt diets in addition to physical exercise?

2. Are there effective exercise, with diet and exercise to control weight?

3. Stop drinking. Did you do it?

4. Is it possible to exercise while keeping yourself well?

5. Does life still feel stressful and often anxious?

The above-mentioned aspects are hypertensive life regulation. In addition to exercise, there are a number of important factors that are, of course, very good for high blood pressure management, but there are others that cannot be ignored. If they are all well-regarded, they have already been done, and there are other genetic factors, other health factors, age factors, etc., that influence blood pressure values. For patients with high blood pressure who are still unable to control their blood pressure as a result of strict lifestyle interventions, it is advisable to choose a reasonable depressive drug to control blood pressure.