Emergency treatment for hypertension

Since hypertension can cause serious damage to the patient ‘ s heart, kidneys, etc., and pose a threat to the safety of the patient ‘ s life, it is important that medical personnel take timely and effective measures to guarantee the patient ‘ s life, and that delays in treatment lead to the subsequent occurrence of disabilities, deaths, etc., and therefore to the proper emergency treatment of hypertension.I. What is hypertension?Hypertensive stress means a sudden increase in the patient ‘ s blood pressure, which is influenced by a number of risk factors, during the development of primary or secondary hypertension, leading to a sudden deterioration of the condition, the appearance of hypertensive cerebropathy, hypertensive threats, and serious complications in the heart, brain and kidney organs due to the state of hypertension. At the same time, >140-150 mmHg or >220 mmHg, if the patient has symptoms or not, is an acute hypertension condition; and if the patient’s blood pressure is only moderately elevated, it is also an acute hypertension condition in cases of cerebrovascular accident, aortic myocardial infarction or acute pulmonary oedema. Hypertensive acute diseases include hypertension risk, aortically mixed, hypertensive cerebral disease, acute pulmonary edema, acute coronary artery syndrome, moderate blood pressure brainII. Emergency treatment for hypertension(i) Principles of emergency care1. Immediate delivery of fast-activation, metabolic, pressure-relief drugs such as intravenous ulatilles and sodium nitrate.2. The average arterial pressure of the patient needs to be reduced within minutes to 2 hours, although it is desirable that the reduction be no more than 25% and that blood pressure be kept at a safer level within the next 2-6 hours, generally around 160/100 mmHg.3. Treatment of primary diseases or complications of hypertension: (1) Insurgent brain organs can be kept at about 180/110 mm/Hg during the acute phase, without pressure relief intervention, before the recovery period is completed, so that blood pressure is kept within safe levels; (2) Acute emphysema, kidney insufficiency or eclampsia, etc. (b) Acute coronary syndrome, diabetes or urinary protein: pressure treatment is implemented to keep blood pressure at 130/80 mm mg;A combination of intravenous drops of anti-sphygmolytic drugs and oral depressants treats hypertension, which can be gradually reduced after 5-7 half-lives of oral depressants, until they are discontinued. During treatment, the velocity of intravenous drugs needs to be adjusted to reduce the problem of excessive blood pressure fluctuations.5. Use evidence-based medicine as a guide in the rational choice of drugs to ensure their effectiveness and safety.6. Ensuring the rationality of alignment, which makes it possible to reconcile or add to the effects, reduces the occurrence of adverse effects and also takes into account the financial situation of patients.7. De-inducing, controlling.Control of cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, low activity and high blood resin.(ii) Treatment of common drugs in emergency cases1 Nipna: It has the advantage of an ecstasy, which is effective and metabolism, with a plasma half-life of between three and four minutes, and a time of between one and two minutes, which can expand the artery and the vein, reduce the respiration and reduce the heart load. The liver metabolic product is sulfcyanate, which can be excreted through the kidney, so that the side effects are low and can be used for all hypertension except eclampsia, while insufficiently functioning and low blood pressure patients need to be cautiously applied to avoid cyanate toxicity.2. Other intravenous drugs: (1) alpha-detoxant: phentolamin, Uradir, etc. can be severed to expand the artery and reduce blood pressure. (2) Calcium-channel retardants: for example, Nica flats, which can be used to expand veins and reduce blood pressure. (3) Beta-detachants: For example, in Labelore, they can have a better effect in the treatment of hypertensive stress, which is clearly activated by the sensory nerve. (4) Nitrate glycerine: It can function as a better extended vein and can also expand the artery at large doses of static droplets, although less applied at pressure reduction.3 At the same time, careful use of medication is required in cases where the patient combines bronchial asthma, requiring careful use of beta-detoxants; combination of pain requires careful use of gills; combination of severe and narrow renal arteries requires careful use of vascular stressor I receptor, ACEI; combination of kidneys does not fully require careful use of potassium urea; combination of liver failure does not allow for the use of Labelore; and combination of diabetes requires careful use of large doses of non-selective beta retardants and urea.SummaryOverall, hypertension is a high risk and requires the implementation of timely and effective blood pressure control measures for the patient to enable the patient to escape from danger, as well as reasonable choice of medication to avoid new symptoms of discomfort or complications.