Around us, there is a nervous system that often plagues a large number of people, and that not only inflicts physical pain on patients, but also puts enormous stress on the mental level. This disease, which is often referred to as “eclampsia”, is also often referred to as “precipitation”. As a chronic brain disease, epilepsy, whose number in our country stands at about 9 million and which adds about 400,000 new patients each year, threatens to “target” epilepsy, regardless of age or sex. It was therefore important to have detailed information on the causes, symptoms and treatment of epilepsy.
1. Causes of epilepsy
The causes of epilepsy are complex and varied and can be broadly divided into a few broad categories, and we will look at them one by one.(1) Structural causes refer to the existence of clearly defined structural stoves in the brain, which can be detected through such technologies as the skull CT, MRI, which can be congenital or acquired from the morrhage, with some patients being able to remove them through surgery, reach a state of total absence, and even the possibility of ceasing to use anti-epepepsis drugs.(2) Genetic factors account for a certain proportion of epilepsy. Genetic material, i.e. genetic mutations or chromosomal anomalies, can cause epilepsy in a variety of ways, ranging from hidden genetics, i.e., the absence of a significant medical history in the family, to explicit genetics, which have a clear medical history in the family, to a situation in which a new mutation of the patient ‘ s genes is not related to the previous generation.(3) Metabolismal diseases are also a common cause of epilepsy, such as bioinfection and metabolic diseases such as vitamin B6 dependence, which can cause epilepsy, which usually affect normal metabolic processes in the brain, leading to an abnormal discharge of neurons.(4) Immunological factors also play a role in the onset of epilepsy, and some autoimmune diseases, such as systemic red-coloured lupus, can attack the brain, lead to epilepsy, and some unknown immune mechanisms may cause epilepsy.(5) STDs are another major category of epilepsy. Infective diseases, such as meningitis and cerebral tuberculosis, can attack the brain and lead to epilepsy, which usually leads to brain inflammation, thus affecting the normal function of neurons.
Symptoms of epilepsy
Symptoms of epilepsy are diverse, and different patients may exhibit different symptoms.(1) Strong straight-steal spasms: this is one of the most common epilepsy symptoms, when the disease occurs, the patient suddenly falls down, the body muscles are severely constricted, the limbs are rigid, accompanied by signs of loss of consciousness, plating, etc., which usually lasts for seconds to minutes, after which the patient gradually regains consciousness.(2) Disorder: When dementia occurs, it occurs in children and young people, and the patient suddenly ceases his or her ongoing activities, his or her eyes are empty, for a short period of time, usually between seconds and tens of seconds, after which the patient regains consciousness, but may not be able to recall the onset.(3) Partial onset: Partial epilepsy refers to symptoms limited to one area of the brain, which may include convulsions, numbness, pain or abnormal feelings on one side of the body, sometimes spreading to other parts of the body, or even causing a whole-body episode.(4) Mental symptoms: Some epilepsy patients may suffer from mental symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, anxiety, etc., which may occur alone or may be accompanied by other types of epilepsy.
3. Treatment of epilepsy
The treatment of epilepsy consists mainly of medication, surgical treatment and other non-pharmacological treatment.(1) Drug treatment is the main method of treatment for epilepsy, and the patient can control the frequency and severity of epilepsy through the use of anti-eclampsia drugs. There are many types of anti-eclampsia drugs, and different drugs are applicable to different types and symptoms of epilepsy, so that individualized treatment is required in the choice of the drug, taking into account the patient ‘ s specific circumstances, and the patient is required to take the medication in a timely manner, in order to avoid leakage or to adjust the dose.(2) Surgeon treatment may be an option for patients whose medication is ineffective or who have a clear pathology. The purpose of the surgery was to remove epilepsy stoves or otherwise reduce the frequency of epilepsy. With advances in medicine and improved surgical techniques, an increasing number of epilepsy patients can be treated well through surgery.(3) In addition to drug and surgical treatment, there are non-pharmacological treatments that can help people with epilepsy to control symptoms. Bioketone diet is a special diet of high fat, low-carbon water compounds, and some studies have shown that it may have some therapeutic effect on some epilepsy patients.
Epilepsy is a complex nervous system disease with a variety of causes and different symptoms, and as medical advances and treatments continue to improve, more and more patients with epilepsy have access to effective treatment and control. It is important for patients and their families to understand the causes, symptoms and treatment of epilepsy, not only to raise their health awareness, but also to help them better communicate with doctors, cooperate with them and obtain better treatment.