As everyone knows, people with diabetes often get thirsty and drink a lot of water, so how much water should they drink every day? In practice, the daily amount of drinking water should be determined on an individual basis, including a variety of factors, such as age, sex, weight, activity level and ambient temperature. The following are some of the recommendations for guidance on daily drinking water for diabetes patients:
1. Weight calculation: A simple method is to calculate the daily amount of water on the basis of weight. It is generally recommended that 30 ml of water per kilogram of body weight be consumed per day. For example, for a person with diabetes weighing 60 kg, the daily amount of water is around 1800 ml.
2. Blood sugar levels and conditions: Diabetes diabetics, when they have higher levels of blood sugar, remove extra sugar from the body through urine, leading to increased urine. Thus, when blood sugar is poorly controlled, the demand for water for diabetes patients may increase. Timely recharge helps prevent dehydration and maintains the electrolyte balance in the body.
3. Daily activities and environmental temperatures: Diabetes diabetics with high levels of daily activity or in high-temperature environments require additional quantities of drinking water to supplement water lost due to sweat. Adequate increases in the amount of water, especially in hot summers or during intense campaigns, help prevent dehydration and heat.
4. Drinking water quality: Diabetes should, as far as possible, choose clean and safe drinking water. A choice may be made between white, mineral or pure water, avoiding the use of sugary beverages and high sugary juice.
5. Maintaining the balance and regularity of drinking water: Diabetes should avoid a one-time, large quantity of drinking water, preferably distributed evenly to all times of the day. Following a small number of multiple drinking water patterns, the water balance in the body is better maintained, avoiding an excessive burden on the kidneys.
In the light of the above, the daily amount of drinking water for people with diabetes should be rationalized according to their specific circumstances. It is generally recommended that the daily amount of drinking water be between 1,500 ml and 2000 ml. Drinking water habits that follow the right amount, balance and regularity contribute to better management of blood sugar and maintenance of health for people with diabetes.