Is the anal abdomen a smooth bulge?


Hello, is the anal acne a smooth bump?

Question answer:

The anal acoustic surfaces are not always smooth. At the early stages of the anal acoustics, the acoustics may have a small and soft bump, at which point their surfaces may be relatively smooth. However, as the disease progresses, the surfaces of anal acoustics may become rougher, and there may be cheesy creatures of nipple, vegetable or chicken corona, whose surfaces are often condensed and no longer smooth. In addition, anal acoustics may be accompanied by symptoms such as tickling, pain, haemorrhage, which may vary according to the individual. It is worth noting that the mass and form of anal acoustics is not the only criterion for determining their severity or the need for treatment. If there are any related doubts or symptoms, it is recommended that a professional diagnosis and treatment be made available in a timely manner. Doctors develop appropriate treatments for the specifics of the patient to remove anal acoustics and prevent their recurrence. At the same time, maintaining good hygiene practices and avoiding impure sexual behaviour are important measures to prevent anal acoustics. If a patient is suspected or diagnosed with an acute hysteria, he can add 💬jrsy820 to a private interview.