Antibacterial Cops: Health Guardians on Microfields

Antibacterial Cops: Health Guardians on Microfields

In a microworld where our naked eyes are not fully perceptible, a never-ending war is taking place, and antibacterial action is the key line of defence that we humans deploy in this micro-field, and those antibacterial means and materials are our health defenders.

I. Bacteria – invisible enemies

Bacteria are one of the oldest and most widely distributed organisms on Earth. They vary in shape, with spherical, pole, spiral and so on. Some bacteria coexist with humans, such as prophylactic bacteria that live in our intestinal tracts, which help us digest food, synthetic vitamins and play an important role in maintaining the micro-ecological balance of the intestinal tract. However, there are also a large number of bacteria that are pathological, such as the golden scabies, which can cause skin infections, pneumonia and other diseases, and the colicoccus, which can also cause serious urinary infections or sepsis if it reproduces in large numbers outside the intestinal tract. These pathogenic bacteria are like enemies hidden in the dark, ready to invade our bodies and destroy our health lines.

II. The first line of defence against bacteria — the human body’s own defence mechanism

Our bodies are not defenseless. Skin is the largest organ of the human body and the first physical barrier against bacteria. Its outer layer is an angular layer made up of dead horny cells, which are so resilient that it is like a wall that prevents bacteria from entering. Moreover, oil and sweat on the skin surface also contain anti-bacterial substances, such as soluble enzymes, which can damage the cell walls of bacteria. In addition to skin, we also have a unique defence system for mucous tissues like respiratory and digestive tracts. The fibrous hair on the mucous respiratory membrane is constantly swinging, pushing bacterial slime to the throat and eventually excreting through coughing, sneezing, etc. In the digestive tract, gastric acid is a powerful chemical defence weapon whose acidic environment can kill most bacteria entering with food. In addition, our immune system is the core of the resistance to bacteria, and when bacteria break the physical and chemical defence barriers, white cells, megacormic cells, etc. in the immune system recognize and swallow bacteria, while the body produces antibodies that are specific to certain bacteria.

III. Antibacterial measures in life

(i) Home-based antigens

In the home, kitchens and bathrooms are easy breeding places for bacteria. The kitchen sink, the faucet, is a hotbed for bacterial reproduction due to frequent dampness. We can use a cleaning agent with antibacterial components to clean and keep dry. They are to be cleaned in a timely manner after use and can be disinfected with high temperature or UV, which can effectively kill the remaining bacteria. For cut-off plates, especially wood cut-off plates, not only should they be washed when used, they should also be regularly soaked with salt water or tan in the sun to reduce bacterial residues. There is also a need for frequent cleaning of toilet toilets, baths, handbasins, etc. The toilet can use a special toilet cleaning agent, which contains disinfectant components that can kill intestinal pathogens such as the common coliform. The towels in the bathroom are often replaced or dryed in well-ventilated areas, as wet towels tend to breed fungus and bacteria, and their long-term use can lead to skin infections.

(ii) Personal hygiene antibacterials

Hand-washing is one of the simplest and most effective antibacterial methods. Handwashing with liquid water and soap can remove a large amount of bacteria from hands in the event of pre-dinning, exposure to public goods, etc. There are now many antibacterial soaps on the market, which contain antibacterial components such as trichlorfon and are more effective in inhibiting bacteria during hand washing. Oral health is also crucial. The brushing of teeth not only cleans food residues on the surface of the teeth, but also reduces the amount of bacteria in the mouth. The use of fluorinated toothpaste and antibacterial mouthwash can further enhance antibacterial effects. mouthwashing generally contains antibacterial components such as alcohol and chlorine, inhibiting the reproduction of bacteria in the mouth and preventing oral diseases such as tooth decay and diarrhea. We can also choose products that are anti-bacterial in our daily clothing and bedding. Special antibacterial agents, such as silver ion antibacterial agents, have been added to these products during their manufacture. Silver ions can interact with the cytofilms of bacteria and destroy their structure, thus inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria and reducing skin aching and allergies caused by the growth of bacteria in clothing and bedding.

IV. Antibacterial action in the medical field

In this particular hospital environment, anti-bacterial work is a top priority. Hospital wards, operating theatres, medical devices, etc. require strict antibacterial treatment. The wards are regularly disinfected with ultraviolet radiation and the air is filtered with high-efficiency filters to reduce bacteria and viruses in the air. The operating theatre has more stringent sterile standards, medical personnel undergo a rigorous sterilization process, including hand washing, wearing sterile surgical suits and gloves, and surgical devices are treated in a variety of ways, such as high-temperature, high-pressure or chemical disinfection, to ensure that bacteria are not introduced into the operation and to avoid post-operative infections. Antibacterials play a key role in medical antibacterials. Since the discovery of penicillin began the antibiotic era, countless lives have been saved by the use of antibacterial drugs. Antibacterial drugs can be divided into a variety of types, such as β-nimamine (including penicillin, headbacterin, etc.), amino sugar, and large rim iester. They inhibit the growth of bacteria or kill bacteria through different mechanisms, such as β-intramide antibiotics, which can inhibit the synthesis of bacterial cell walls and cause bacteria to break apart in low seepage environments. However, the abuse of antibacterial drugs is also increasing. Bacteria gradually develop resistance when patients use antibacterial drugs unreasonably, for example, in the absence of bacterial infections, or when they are not used in a medically prescribed and pharmacological manner. The emergence of drug-resistant bacteria has rendered antibacterial drugs, which were effective, ineffective and made the treatment of infections more difficult. For example, the emergence of the methooxysilin-resistant gluccus (MRSA), which is resistant to a wide range of commonly used antibacterial drugs, poses enormous challenges for clinical treatment.

New developments in antibacterial technology

As technology progresses, anti-bacterial technologies continue to innovate. In addition to traditional chemical and physical antibacterial methods, new antibacterial techniques are emerging. Nanotechnology has great potential for application in the field of antibacterials. Nanosil is the representative of it, which has a higher antibacterial activity than the average silver. Nanosil can be used in such areas as wound dressing, medical equipment, etc. In addition, some nanomaterials can produce oxidizing free radicals through photocatalytic action, which can damage bacterial cellular membranes and nucleic acids and thus achieve antibacterial effects. There are also bio-engineered anti-bacterial methods, such as the use of fungus to treat bacterial infections. The fungus is a bacteria-infecting virus that identifies and cracks target bacteria in a unique manner and does not cause harm to human cells. This approach has great potential for treating drug-resistant infections. In the development of antibacterial materials, some intelligent antibacterial materials should also be produced. These materials can automatically adjust their antibacterial activity to bacterial quantities, temperature, humidity, etc. in the environment, providing more precise and efficient means of antibacterial work. In short, antibacterial resistance is a long-lasting war of concern to human health, and in the micro-fields we need to make full use of antibacterial means and evolving antibacterial techniques, while at the same time rationally using antibacterial resources to avoid antibacterial drug abuse, so that these health defenders can better protect us from bacteria and preserve the health and quality of life of our bodies. Each of us should be an active participant in this anti-bacterial war, with knowledge of anti-bacterials, from the point of life, and a solid line of defence for the health of ourselves and others.

Stimulatory contact dermatitis with local drugs or antibacterial agents