There are a number of special cases in which diabetics have to be noted in their campaigns, as follows:
Blood sugar control instability:
Blood sugar is too high (over 14-16 mmol/L or 250-288 mg/dL) and movement can lead to further rises in blood sugar. Sports may increase the risk of low blood sugar when blood sugar is too low (below 4 mmol/L or 72 mg/dL).
Serious complications:
Patients with severe retinasis should avoid intense physical activity as the risk of eye bleeding increases. Patients with serious kidney or heart problems should exercise under the guidance of a doctor.
Acute infections:
Where diabetes patients have acute infections, such as severe flu, influenza, etc., movement should be temporarily avoided until their physical recovery.
vascular and nervous system problems:
If there is a serious neurological or vascular pathologie, it may be necessary to avoid movement with a high degree of stress on the joint and foot, such as running.
Uncontrolled hypertension:
In the event of poor blood pressure control, severe motion should be avoided in order to avoid further increase in blood pressure.
Patients with gestational diabetes should exercise, under the guidance of a doctor, to avoid activities that may pose a risk to the foetus or the mother.
Dietary and pharmaceutical effects:
When insulin is injected or when sugar is administered, immediate and intense physical activity should be avoided in order to avoid low blood sugar.
Extreme weather:
Avoid movement in extreme cold or hot environments that may have adverse effects on blood sugar control.
Lack of preparation:
Exercise without proper preparation (e.g., inadequate heat and inappropriate footwear) may increase the risk of injury.
Neglect of body signals:
In case of discomfort in the exercise, such as dizziness, nausea, chest pain or extreme fatigue, the exercise should be stopped immediately and medical assistance sought.
Diabetes patients should consult with a doctor or a professional health adviser to develop a personalized sports plan before they can exercise. During the exercise, blood sugar should be closely monitored and the strength and duration of the activity adjusted to the physical response.