The heart is the “power source” of our body, which carries blood to the body through constant beating, ensuring the normal functioning of organs and tissues. Therefore, maintaining heart health is not only vital to life, but also the basis upon which we maintain a good quality of life. Cardiovascular diseases are becoming one of the major threats to human health with the acceleration of the pace of modern social life and the spread of unhealthy lifestyles. Protecting the health of the heart and preventing cardiovascular diseases have become important issues for global health. This paper will explore effective methods and preventive strategies to maintain heart health from the basic function of the heart.
I. Understanding the basic functions of the heart
The heart is a muscular organ with a strong pump function, on the left side of the chest cavity, shaped like a reverse cone. Its main function is to recycle the unoxidated blood from the left heart chamber to the body by constricting and convulsing, and then to the lungs for oxygen exchange.
Under normal circumstances, a healthy heart beats about 60 to 100 times a minute, known as the “quiet heart rate”. When we move or get excited, the rate of heartbeats increases to ensure oxygen and nutrient supplies in all parts of the body. When heart function problems occur, such as heart disease, coronary heart disease and heart failure, the blood pump function of the heart is affected, leading to abnormal blood circulation in the body and even serious health problems.
II. Common types of cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are a category of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels and are numerous, the most common of which are:
Coronary heart disease: The coronary porridge is also referred to as a sclerosis of heart disease due to, inter alia, the sclerosis of coronary porridges and the formation of plaques, resulting in insufficient blood flow to the heart, which causes symptoms such as cardiac pain and heart infarction.
High blood pressure: High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and long-term increase in blood pressure causes pressure on the vascular wall, leading to sclerosis of the artery, an increase in the heart burden and, ultimately, serious effects such as heart disease, stroke, etc.
Cardiac failure: Cardiac failure means the failure of the heart to effectively pump blood, resulting in the irregular supply of blood and oxygen to the whole body, in the form of symptoms such as inactivity, respiratory difficulties and oedema.
4. Cardiac disorders: Cardiac disorders are cardiac disorders, which may be manifested as ulterior, slow or irregular. A severe heart disorder can lead to a heart arrest, a life-threatening disease.
5. Cardiac valve disease: Cardiac valve disease is a cardiac valve disease that causes a cardiac valve to become dysfunctional and may cause a heart pump ‘ s blood function disorder, which in turn affects the normal work of the heart.
Cardiac health maintenance is not based solely on genetic factors, but also on lifestyle and environmental factors that have a significant impact on heart health. The following are some of the important factors affecting heart health:
1. Undesired eating habits: Over-ingestion of high salt, fat and sugar-rich food leads to increased blood pressure, abnormal blood resin and an additional heart burden. Excessive saturated fats and trans-fats increase cholesterol levels in blood, thus increasing the risk of sclerosis of the artery.
2. Lack of exercise: a chronic lack of exercise can lead to an increase in body weight and a decrease in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. An appropriate amount of motion helps to increase the blood efficiency of the heart and enhances its endurance and vascular resilience.
Smoking and drinking: Smoking is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and arteryclerosis. Harmful substances in cigarettes can damage the inside of angiogenesis, contribute to the formation of a clot and increase the risk of heart disease. Overdrinking can lead to high blood pressure and heart disorders.
4. Stress and emotional fluctuations: Long-term emotional problems such as stress, anxiety and depression affect heart health. Psychological stress overthe General Assembly has given rise to a sense of neurological excitement, which has contributed to an acceleration of the heart rate, increased blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease.
Genetic factors: There is a relatively high risk of heart disease among people in the family. Genetic factors can affect blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the health of blood vessels, so family history is also an important indicator for the assessment of heart health.
The best way to maintain a healthy heart is to prevent cardiovascular diseases, starting with everyday life, through a reasonable diet, regular exercise and good living habits. Here are some practical ways to help keep the heart healthy:
Healthy diet:
(1) Reduction of salt intake: excessive sodium salt intake leads to high blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease. The daily intake of salt for adults should be within 6 grams.
(2) Increased dietary fibres: Increased consumption of diet-rich foods, such as whole wheat foods, vegetables, fruits, beans, etc., helps to regulate blood resin and to control weight.
(3) Choosing healthy fats: More ingestion of unsaturated fatty acids, especially foods such as fish, nuts, olive oils, which are rich in fatty acids, which help to reduce cholesterol levels and protect the heart.
(4) Control of sugar intake: High sugar diet increases body weight, leads to metabolic syndrome and further increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Reducing sugar intake, especially sugared beverages, is an important measure to protect the heart.
Regular campaigns:
(1) At least 150 minutes of aerobic aerobic activity per week, such as walking, swimming, riding, etc. Sport can improve heart-pumping capacity, improve vascular health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol.
(2) Participation in force training and flexible exercises, such as yoga or Taipo, can enhance muscle strength and improve blood circulation.
3. Prohibition of smoking and drinking:
(1) Stop smoking: Smoking not only harms the blood vessels and increases the formation of blood bolts, but also reduces the oxygen supply of the heart and accelerates the sclerosis of the artery.
(2) Liquor limits: While a proper drink may be of some benefit to the heart, excessive drinking can lead to increased blood pressure, heart disorders, etc., and increase the risk of heart disease.
4. Weight control:
Maintaining healthy weight is key to preventing heart disease. Obesity, especially in the abdomen, is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Reasonable control of caloric intake and increased physical activity are effective methods of dieting.
5. Managing stress and emotion:
Learning to relieve stress and regulate emotions is an important part of protecting the heart. The psychological burden can be reduced by meditation, deep breaths and relaxed training. Maintaining positive optimism helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.
6. Periodic medical examinations:
Indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar, blood resin are regularly checked to detect and control the risk factors of heart disease, such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes. Early intervention can effectively prevent cardiovascular disease.
Concluding remarks
Cardiac health is the cornerstone of physical health, and safeguarding it is not just control of blood pressure, diet and motion, but a whole-of-the-life adjustment. By means of scientific diets, reasonable exercise, abdication of alcohol and depressure, we can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, maintain a healthy heart and enjoy a longer and better life. Everyone should therefore act from now on to protect the health of the heart and allow it to continue beating for our lives and health.
Coronary heart disease