Functional constipation is a common disease of the digestive system, the main symptoms of which include defecation difficulties, reduced defecation and insufficiency. This general scientific article will provide detailed information on how to diagnose functional constipation and help to understand the causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment of the disease.
I. Causes of morbidity
The causes of functional constipation are more complex and relate mainly to poor living habits, eating habits, psychological factors, etc. For example, the diet is too fine, and there is a lack of dietary fibre; lack of drinking water leads to intestinal drying; lack of exercise leads to intestinal creeping; and mental stress leads to autonomous nervous disorders.
II. Symptoms
The main symptoms of functional constipation are reduced defecation, difficulty of defecation, insufficiency. At the same time, the patient may suffer from abdominal pain, abdominal swelling and abating appetite. It is important to note that, in the event of such symptoms, the patient should be treated in a timely manner so as not to delay his or her condition.
The observation of the gastrointestinal mucous membranes through gastrointestinal and intestinal lenses assesses the presence of intestinal inflammation, plaza, tumour, etc. If these pathologies occur, further pathological examinations are conducted to determine the nature of the pathological conditions.
Doctors may arrange for video examinations such as abdominal B super, CT or MRI to understand intestinal structure and functioning and to exclude the possibility of other diseases.
III. Excreta testing
A routine excreta inspection allows for the understanding of the sexual characteristics and composition of the excreta and facilitates the diagnosis of functional constipation. In addition, the doctor arranges a blood test of faeces to assess inflammation or tumours in the intestinal tract.
Other inspections
Depending on the patient ‘ s circumstances, the doctor may arrange other examinations, such as anal rectal pressure, pelvic muscle electrographs, etc., to assess the defecation function of the patient and the contraction of pelvic muscles.
Treatment and prevention of functional constipation
The treatment of functional constipation includes the following:
1. Adapting eating habits: Increased intake of food fibres, more fresh fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, celery, cucumbers, bananas, etc. At the same time, excessive ingestion of irritated foods, such as oily and spicy, is avoided.
2. Appropriate physical exercise: promotion of intestinal creeping and improvement of constipation symptoms through sports such as sit-ups and jogging.
3. Drug treatment: If necessary, patients may be treated with drugs such as amphibian biobacterium, twirl oral fluid, and trimococcal capsules. These drugs help to regulate the intestinal balance and improve constipation symptoms.
4. Psychotherapy: For functional constipation caused by psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, patients can undergo psychotherapy, such as cognitive behaviour therapy, to relieve psychological stress and improve constipation.
In the area of prevention, care should be taken to maintain good living and eating habits, and to avoid such undesirable behaviour as prolonged sitting and overwork. At the same time, periodic medical examinations are conducted to detect and treat promptly diseases that may affect intestinal function.
In short, functional constipation is a common digestive system disease with complex causes. Patients can improve their symptoms by adjusting their habits, eating habits, mental factors, etc. In the area of diagnosis, doctors make comprehensive judgements in the light of patients ‘ medical history, clinical examinations, laboratory and visual examinations. In terms of treatment, the patient can adapt his/her life habits, medication or surgery to his/her condition. At the same time, maintaining good mental and emotional attitudes is also essential for functional rectification.