What caused your teeth to go loose?

Teeth are loose, meaning that they are looser than normal. Teeth have a certain degree of activity in their state of health, mainly in a horizontal direction, and the vertical direction is much smaller, not exceeding 0.02 mm, and is not easily detectable. The loose tooth can be caused by a number of causes. The two main reasons are the change in the organization around the tooth root and the shorter absorption of the teeth. What do we do when the teeth are loose? What are the measures to prevent the old man’s teeth from coming loose? Let’s look at the presentation. What’s the reason for this? The dentures, not only did they not have the effect of treatment, but they could not be used to remove them. It is also necessary to rely on good teeth and teeth, so there is a certain burden on good teeth, as well as a greater incentive for bad teeth. The way to fix teeth is to fix between good teeth with loose teeth, which is actually not desirable, because good teeth are loose. It can only be simple fixed, without the effect of treatment. The choice of suitable toothpaste is, in fact, highly related to the inappropriate choice of toothpaste, and it is highly likely that if the protection of toothpaste is neglected in day-to-day care, it will exacerbate the case of toothpaste. There is more toothpaste available on the market, and in this regard, the more prominent is toothpaste for the decorative rodents. This toothpaste has the capacity to fertilise the tooth, to prevent further relaxation of the tooth, and has had a good effect in cases of haemorrhage and swelling. Take an anti-inflammatory pill. Teeth are loosed from the trauma, if it is mildly relaxed, and anti-inflammatory, but when the inflammation recedes, the teeth are automatically restored; if the inflammation is severe or disemboweled, the teeth should be repositioned, then fixed to the adjacent teeth, and administered anti-inflammatory medications, maintenance of oral hygiene, short-term ban on the use of the tooth, etc., and then restored in the first two months. What causes the denture in teeth? It is important to note that the majority of adults in the country, especially those over 35 years of age, suffer from chronic dental disease. Teeth are fixed positions and functions that can be stabilized within the mouth by means of bone and soft tissue support around the teeth root. 2. If the teeth are in poor condition, or there is a bad habit of grinding them at night, and gnawing them tightly, the gnawing of the teeth causes trauma and long-term relaxation of the teeth. 3. There are well-defined causes of sudden-disturbing teeth, such as sudden hard bites, trauma, etc. This results in much of the looseness of the teeth associated with pain and possibly the transfer of the teeth, i.e., a departure from their normal position, which can cause the teeth to fall off. This situation should be treated in hospitals as soon as possible. 4 If the laxity of the teeth is accompanied by a pain in the teeth or a pain in the teeth, most of them are acutely inflammated oedema of the ecstasy of the ecstasy of the ecstasy, resulting in a relaxation of the teeth. 5 If the laxity of the teeth occurs after the dental chord, then the laxity is generally temporary, only because of the partial tissue in the operation. The edema is usually reduced after a few weeks and the teeth return to their original laxity. 6. Changes in female hormonal levels may result in a change in the dysentery, such as a slight dysentery during menstruation. Shorter absorption of the teeth at the root1 and the absorption of the root of the teeth by the child prior to the replacement of the teeth, when at a certain level, there is a relaxation of the teeth, in which case there is generally no other pain. 2. Absorption of teeth by other diseases. Absorption of the teeth may occur after long periods of traumatizing teeth, after treatment of the tubing, and may result in absorption of the teeth in the case of long-term oppression such as swelling below the teeth. This should be done at the earliest opportunity to identify the reasons. (a) Measures to prevent the relaxation of older persons ‘ teeth; In fact, it’s necessary to wash your mouth, but not to brush your teeth. Because brushing teeth washes the stains on the teeth’ surface and kills bacteria in the mouth. The long-standing insistence on brushing teeth can be effective in preventing the formation of toothbrushes and stones. Older persons should therefore develop a habit of brushing their teeth and washing their mouths. 2. Older people need to eat less hard food: The human tooth is wrapped with a mosaic that, if he eats hard food more often, can be damaged by excessive wear and tearing, and even exposed to the very nature of the deep teeth, leaving the dyslexia unprotected. Thus, older persons should eat as little as possible of hard foods such as sugar cane and scorpion, and even less use their teeth to get bottled and nailed to prevent tooth damage. 3. Older persons have to wash their teeth on a regular basis: some consider that it is only necessary to keep their teeth brushed. This view is incorrect. Actually, brushing teeth is not a substitute for washing teeth. This is because the toothbrush can only be brushed on the front and top of the teeth, but not on the back and side of the teeth. If a person brushes his or her teeth for a long period of time, he or she creates a large number of toothbrushes and stones on the back and side of his or her teeth. For the purpose of complete dental clean-up, the toothbrush can be removed from each side of the teeth by some physical and chemical methods. The four teeth loosely massage the lacuna, which one, the finger strangling, the tip of the thumb, which is placed on the side of the lacuna, and the appropriate pressure is 0.5 to 1 minute. Efficiencies: The wind spreads cold and communication is pain relief. 2. Press the shiver, use the belly of the thumb, and place it on the side of the shire, where appropriate, with a pressure of 0.5 to l minutes. Efficiencies: Queue diarrhea, quenching pain. 3. A pain in the teeth, with the tip of the thumb, to the side of the tooth, with appropriate force of 0.5 to 1 minute. Efficacy: Active blood pain and convulsion. 4. Scratch the cheek, with the palm of the palm of the hand, on the same side, with appropriate force, for a period of 0.5 to l minutes, and heat on the cheek. Efficiencies: living colds spread and pains slowly reduced. 5. Promulgation of the lair, with a thumbtip to the side of the lavender, with an appropriate push of 0.5 to 1 minute. Efficiencies: swollen pain relief, live life. Five foods that are harmful to the health of the teeth canned foods that are low in heat and good in taste. However, it is generally jealous, so there are more acids. Such acids cause the loss of the mineral composition of the teeth. And you add sugar to some canned foods, which can also damage your teeth. citrus is rich in vitamin C, which sustains the adhesive glaucoma proteins needed for teeth. Too much consumption, however, can damage the moths of the teeth, especially lemons and oranges. In addition, sugared orange juice can damage teeth, so it is best to use straws when drinking orange juice. Peanut butter, peanut butter is a very popular delicious dessert, and it contains a rich protein. But it’s easy to create teeth because of peanut butter’s “slubber”. The fruit is also a healthy food. However, there is very little moisture in the fruit, so that the sugar is oversaturated and can easily be attached directly to the teeth to produce bacteria. Coffee Coffee contains more antioxidating components, but is easily gnawed, resulting in the formation of bacterial spots. Almonds, almonds are one of the most healthy nuts, rich in vitamin E and healthy fat. But almonds are hard, they break teeth easily.