The difference between near-sighted and far-sighted.

Short- and far-sighted eyes are two common eye diseases that differ in their causes, symptoms and treatment. I. Causes 1. Near-sighted eyes: The near-sighted eye means that the eye ‘ s luminous system is too strong, leading to a light focus on the front of the retina, resulting in blurred vision. Short-sighted eye diseases are mainly associated with genetic, environmental and life habits. Genetic factors are the main cause of near-sightedness, and if both parents have near-sightedness, the likelihood of children suffering from near-sightedness increases significantly. In addition, poor living habits such as prolonged close proximity, lack of outdoor activity and incorrect reading positions increase the risk of near-sighted morbidity. 2. Long-sighted eyes: the distant eye refers to the weakness of the light system of the eye, which leads to a focus on light behind the retina, resulting in blurred vision. The causes of the disease are mainly related to genetic, age and eye development. Genetic factors are the main reason for the eventuality of vision, and if both parents have vision, the likelihood of children suffering from vision increases significantly. In addition, as age increases, eye tissues grow older, and the ability to regulate is diminished, with the risk of distant vision. II. Symptoms 1. Short-sighted eyes: The main symptoms of a near-sighted eye are the clarity of the near-object and the blurry of the distant object. Patients need to close their objects in order to see clearly and are vulnerable to eye fatigue, headaches and nausea. Serious near-sightedness can also lead to complications such as retina detached and yellow-stained diseases. 2. Long-sightedness: The main symptoms of the long-sightedness are the clarity of the distant object and the blurry of the near object. Patients need to push objects very far in order to see clearly and are vulnerable to eye fatigue, headaches and nausea. Severe vision can also lead to complications such as oscillation and weakness. Diagnosis 1. Short-sighted eyes: The diagnosis of near-sighted eyes relies mainly on light testing. Photologists use lenses of varying degrees to test the patient ‘ s vision to determine the degree of luminance. In addition, the severity of the near-sighted eye and complications can be assessed through, for example, eye-to-eye examinations, and corneal topography. 2. Long-sighted eye: The diagnosis of long-sighted eyes also relies on light testing. Photologists use lenses of varying degrees to test the patient ‘ s vision to determine the degree of luminance. In addition, the extent and complications of the apogee can be assessed through, for example, eye-to-eye examinations, and membranes. Treatment 1. Short-sighted eyes: Treatment for near-sighted eyes consists mainly of wearing glasses, contact lenses and laser surgery. The wearing of glasses and contact lenses corrects the sight and reduces eye fatigue. Laser surgery restores sight by changing the shape of the cornea so that the light can focus on the retina. However, laser surgery is not suitable for all and needs to be assessed on a patient-specific basis. 2. Long-sighted eyes: The treatment for long-sighted eyes consists mainly of glasses, contact lenses and laser surgery. The wearing of glasses and contact lenses corrects the sight and reduces eye fatigue. Laser surgery restores sight by changing the shape of the cornea so that the light can focus on the retina. However, laser surgery is not suitable for all and needs to be assessed on a patient-specific basis. In short-sighted and far-sighted, although all are ophthalmic diseases, their causes, symptoms and treatments vary. Patients who have visual problems should be consulted in a timely manner and receive professional examinations and treatment so as not to affect quality of life and health. At the same time, good living habits are maintained, and outdoor activities are strengthened to prevent near-sighted and far-sightedness.