In Chinese medicine, “snip” is a complex concept, which refers not only to the mucous form of respiratory secretion, as described in the Western medicine, but also to a more profound pathological state. The following is a detailed explanation of the meaning of “slubber” in Chinese medicine and its relationship to “wetting”.In Chinese medicineIn the Chinese medical system, it is initially referred to as a visceral mucus, which is commonly referred to as vomiting. This is due to the failure of the lungs to function, which leads to aqueous metabolic disorder.In a broad sense, the Chinese doctor refers to a wider range of glucose, which also includes the pathologies that are formed by the aqueous metabolism in the body for various reasons. It is not just a respiratory secretion, but a pathological state that can be found in various parts of the human body, leading to different diseases.Wet.Wetting is an important concept in Chinese medicine, and it refers to a pathological state in which the hysteria is combined with hysteria. Wetting is not just an expression of spitting, but a more abstract manifestation of environmental imbalance in the body.Utility: In Chinese medicine theory, humidity is an external cause of disease, which can also be caused by water metabolism in the body. Wet ferocious, sticky, and prone to obstructing gas machines, leading to physical impairment.Wetting formation: Wet formation is associated with a variety of factors, including inappropriate diets (e.g., greasy, cold foods), emotional discomfort, discomfort, etc. These factors contribute to the abnormality of water metabolism in the body and to wetting.Why don’t you spit it out and call it “wet”?Even in the absence of a visible vomiting phenomenon, Chinese doctors can diagnose patients as “wetting” bodies or diseases for the following reasons:Pathological products: Wetting is a pathological product in the body, which is not necessarily expressed in external vomiting, but is manifested through a series of symptoms in the body, such as weight of body, lack of appetite, slime, etc.Physical characteristics: According to Chinese medicine, each individual is different, and some people are inherently humid. The body may not have visible vomiting, but there is a moist pathology in the body.At the micro level: At the micro level, wetting may be manifested in an abnormally thick intercellular mass, an abnormal accumulation of tissue fluids, etc., which may not necessarily be expressed in macro-spatch.Wet processingThe treatment of wetting by Chinese doctors includes:Drug treatment: The use of Chinese medicine with spleen wetting, scintillation, coughing, e.g. tungsten, tungsten, mid-summer, leather, etc.Diet: Avoid eating greasy, cold, sweet foods and more light, digestive foods.Lifestyle: To maintain good living habits, to exercise proper sports and to avoid overwork and emotional stress.Emotional care: Stay in a good mood and avoid emotional trauma.ConclusionsThe Chinese doctor’s “snip” is a multidimensional concept, which refers not only to the secretions of the respiratory tract but also to a pathological state in the body. Wetting is an expression of this pathological state, which is not necessarily accompanied by spitting. Understanding and treating wetting from a Chinese doctor ‘ s perspective can help to adjust the body ‘ s environment for disease prevention and health maintenance purposes.
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