In the medical field, antibacterial resistance is a crucial task. As modern medicine continues to develop, the perception of antibacterials is growing. This paper will help us to better protect our health by providing us with knowledge of anti-bacterial medicine.
I. What’s antibacterial?
Antigen, by definition, means the process of inhibiting or eliminating bacteria. In the medical environment, antibacterials are mainly related to the control of pathogenic microorganisms to prevent the occurrence and spread of infection. This includes comprehensive anti-bacterial measures for patients, medical personnel, medical devices and the medical environment.
II. Importance of medical antibacterials
1. Prevention of infection: In the course of medical treatment, patients tend to suffer from reduced immunity due to, inter alia, illness or surgery and are vulnerable to the infection of pathogens. Strict antibacterial measures can effectively reduce the risk of infection and guarantee the safety of patients.
2. Control of transmission: Medical institutions are densely staffed and, when infected, they can easily spread between patients and health personnel. Antibacterial work can cut off transmission routes and avoid cross-infection.
3. Improving the quality of care: Antibacterials are an important component of quality management of care. Anti-bacterial work helps to improve the level and quality of care in health-care institutions and to gain the trust of patients.
1. Handsome: hand is one of the main means of bacterial transmission. Before and after medical treatment, health-care personnel are required to wash or sterilize their hands in strict accordance with the rules of hand hygiene.
2. Environmental clean-up and disinfection: Medical institutions should regularly disinfect and sterilize places such as wards, operating rooms, dispensaries, etc. to ensure that the environment is clean and sterile.
3. Sterilization and sterilization of medical devices and supplies: Medical devices and supplies shall be strictly disinfected or sterilized before use to ensure their sterile state.
Rational use of antibacterial drugs: Antibacterial drugs are an effective means of treating infections, but the abuse of antibacterial drugs leads to increased bacterial resistance. Therefore, medical personnel should make a reasonable choice of antibacterial drugs based on the patient ‘ s condition and pathogen type and avoid the abuse of antibiotics
Principles for the use of anti-bacterial drugs
1. Clear indications: Prior to the use of antibacterial drugs, the pathogen strain of infection should be identified, including through laboratory tests, to ensure that the drug is targeted and effective.
2. Reasonable choice: The choice of appropriate antibacterial drugs is based on the type of pathogen, drug-sensitive tests, the area of infection, the patient ‘ s condition, etc. At the same time, attention should be paid to the side effects and interactions of drugs and to avoiding unnecessary harm to patients.
3. Regulation of medications: Strict observance of the drug-dose, route of delivery and frequency of use of anti-bacterial drugs, among others, to ensure their effective concentration in the patient and their therapeutic effects.
Appropriate course of treatment: a reasonable course of treatment based on the patient’s condition and the biological characteristics of the pathogens. Shorter treatment can lead to re-emergence, while long treatment can increase the risk of drug side effects and resistance.
V. How does the public participate in medical antibacterial work?
As members of the public, we can also participate in the medical antibacterial work by:
1. Increased antibacterial awareness: understanding the importance of antibacterials, focusing on antibacterial knowledge and raising their own antibacterial awareness.
2. Compliance with medical regulations: in the course of medical visits, compliance with the regulations of medical institutions, such as the wearing of masks and the maintenance of manual hygiene.
3. Rational use of medicines: use of antibacterial drugs under the direction of a doctor, and free purchase and use of drugs such as antibiotics.
4. Promoting healthy lifestyles: maintaining healthy lifestyles, such as a reasonable diet, regularity, moderate exercise, and so forth, increasing their immunity and reducing the risk of infection.
In short, the health and safety of every individual is at stake in medical antibacterial work. Antibacterial resistance is not only a scientific challenge, but a health issue that every one of us needs to focus on and practice in our daily lives. Let us start with the drops, and together protect a healthy and clean living environment.