What’s a relapse abortion?

1. Definitions and classifications

Recurring abortions, also known as customary abortions, are natural abortions occurring two or more consecutive times with the same spouse. Depending on the week of pregnancy, repeated abortions can be classified as early repeated abortions (before 12 weeks of pregnancy) and later repeated abortions (from 12 to 28 weeks of pregnancy). Early repeated abortions are mostly caused by genetic factors, endocrine anomalies, reproductive immunopathy disorders and pre-breeding conditions, while more late repeated abortions occur in pre-breeding conditions, infections, abnormal attachments to pregnancy (e.g., sheep water, placenta abnormalities) and serious congenital anomalies.

2. The main risk factors. The risk factors for repeated abortions are complex and diverse, including, inter alia, immunological abnormalities, anatomical abnormalities, endocrine disorders, infections and genetic factors. A single factor leads to fewer abortions, with the majority of cases having multiple factors.

Genetic factors. Genetic factors are one of the common causes of repeated abortions. Chromosomal anomalies, including abnormality in the number of chromosomes, minor deficiencies or minor repetitions, genetic mutations and the appearance of genetics, can lead to abnormal or stunted embryonic growth. Common chromosome structural anomalies include chromosomes, mosaics, missing or downsides. In the case of chromosomal abnormalities between the spouses, the risk of abortion for their children has increased significantly.

4. Anatomy and endocrinological factors Anatomy structures, such as uterine malformations (unicornal, diagonal, biuterine and uterine intersectivation), uterine musculoma, uterine viscosity, etc., can affect the normal bed and development of the embryo, leading to miscarriage. Endocrine anomalies, such as hypothyroidism, polyseptic ovarian syndrome and high oxytocinemia, can also affect women ‘ s fertility and disrupt normal pregnancy.

5. Immunological anomalies. Immunological anomalies are the cause of repeated abortions. Mothers react to the immuno-exclusion of embryos, leading to the attack and removal of embryos, leading to repeated spontaneous abortions. The balance between immunisation and immunosuppression in the mother-to-child interface is essential for regulating the growth and development of embryos. If the immune balance is broken, the embryo will undergo an immune attack and abort.

Reproductive tract infections, such as secondary infections, chlamydia infections and bacterial vaginal diseases, have a negative impact on the embryo and affect its development. In addition, unhealthy lifestyles (e.g. smoking, alcohol abuse, overdrinking of caffeine) and environmental factors (e.g. organic solvents and poisons) can also lead to abortion.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods Symptoms of repeated abortions include mainly post-menopausal haemorrhage and abdominal pain. During the diagnosis of repeated miscarriages, doctors ask for details of the history of the disease, improve the medical examination, and perform the relevant auxiliary examinations, such as vasectomy, cavity lenses, ultrasound examinations, chromosomal screening for couples, endocrinological examinations, immunofunctional examinations and the examination of infectious factors, in an effort to find the cause of the disease.

8. Prevention and treatment recommendations. The key to the prevention of repeated abortions is to identify and treat potential causes. Genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis are required for couples with chromosome anomalies. For patients with abnormal uterine anatomy, surgical treatment is considered. People with endocrine disorders should adjust their endocrine state, such as the application of thyroid tablets for those with thyroid deficiencies. Immunization treatment may be considered for patients with immunological abnormalities. In addition, maintaining a good lifestyle and avoiding environmentally harmful factors are important measures to prevent repeated abortions. In the course of treatment, patients should follow the advice of a doctor and cooperate actively in order to increase the success rate of the baby. Through the above-mentioned introduction to the subject of repeated abortions, it is hoped that it will help to improve the understanding of the disease and to improve the rate of success in childbirth by early detection, diagnosis and treatment.