How long will it take for the special concussion pacemaker to be treated?
Some of the patients with severe convulsions have positive family history and have a common chromosome. The general concussion may result in a positional tremors in the front arm of the hands, as well as a concussion in the head, etc. The development of their condition has been slow and generally affects people living in normal life, often for more than a decade or two, with no initial impact on life and no intervention at this time.
If the tremors affect life, treatment is available:
First-line treatments for general severe tremors, including Pupolol and pyroqualone, and second-line treatments for Aphthalm, chlornithylene, Gabaptine and Prishtin.
An additional patient can reduce the positional tremors of the upper limbs by injection of the upper limbs with type A botulinum toxin, which is ineffective for motor tremors and has a better effect on the tremors of the deep brain.
The treatment of drugs and botulinum toxins has not worked well after a large number of patient feedbacks, and the current clinically effective method is surgery, i.e. a deep brain electro-stimulator (EMP), which is an electro-stimulator implanted into the skull and reduces the transmission of abnormal nerve signals by regulating the neuroactivity of specific regions of the brain, thus mitigating the tremors.
After a general operation is implanted in the electrodes, the start of the treatment takes one month to go on, most patients will have their tremors eased, and some will wait a few days and weeks before they disappear.