The “corrh” of the skin of the lower limbs: Danish poison

Doctor, the temperature of our children has fluctuated between 39 and 40°C over the last few days, with visible redness, swelling and pain on the left leg.

I. What is “toxin” for Dan poisoning? Dr. Wu Jinmei of the Infective Disease described the disease as acute inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue lymphocytic tube caused by bacteria (B type streptocystella), most often in the calves or face, not the virus! Pathogens enter the human body mainly through small wounds to the skin, scratch marks, etc. Although any person may be infected with diarrhea, the risk of infection is higher in special cases, such as patients with lymphoid oedema, invertebrates, obesity, and inter-toes rubbing, foot-and-fracture caused by acupuncture. It is worth noting that facial detoxification can also be induced by small mucous membranes from perforated nose and ears.

II. Clinical performance: In case of acute illness, cold, fever, headaches, discomfort. The disease is more prevalent in the lower limbs on one side. In serious cases, the skin breaks out. All-body sepsis occurs when the condition is aggravated.

Red: Scrolled rashes, red red, slightly light in the middle, slightly faded in the finger pressure, clear borders, some of which can rise bubbles.

Swollen: slightly elevated on the surface.

Thermal: The infected area is slightly more hot than other normal areas.

Pain: Infested areas can continue to suffer pain or sepsis. I’ve got a side leg, two lower limbs.

III. Inducing factors

1. Nasal piercings, small mucous membrane tearing to the ears, or cracking of the feet, heterocides, etc. are the common cause of the diabolical poisoning. 2 The main contributing factors to the venomous calcium, toenabysis and nasal inflammation are Dan’s calcium and face.

3. Malnutrition, alcoholism, chronic liver disease, kidney syndrome and diabetes can also induce the disease.

4. The re-emergence-dane bacteria lurch in the lymphobar tube and re-emergence when body resistance is reduced.

5. Obstruction of the lower leg lymphoma or oedema. It is known in detail that the patient’s lower limb is tickling and scratches his skin, considering that this is the trigger for the infection.

IV. Treatment strategy

Antibacterial drugs: The first drug of choice is an antibiotic of penicillin or sapilin, and normal body temperature can return to normal after two to three days, but the patient still needs to use the drug for about two weeks to prevent recurrence. For penicillin allergies, antibiotics such as Great Ringed esters (e.g. erythrin), capisculin and clinicin can be used.

2 Local treatment: may be wetted with magnesium sulphate, furan sift solution or cooled with a salsa solution, and with antibiotic ointment (e.g., moxioli).

3. Specialized treatment in Chinese medicine: The experience of research and treatment has been extensive for generations. The names vary according to the area in which the disease occurs, such as the one born in the chest and the larvae, known as internal diabolical poison; the one in the head, known as the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation of the Concertation; the other in the ass of the newborn, known as the Red Swine of the Concertation of the Surgery.

(1) Internal control: based on the principles of serothesis, detoxification and bruising. If you have a hair, you need to clear the fire; if you have a chest, you need to clear your liver, and if you have a lower limb, you need to clear the heat.

(2) Extraterritorial law:

One for gold and yellow.

2 砭镰: When the disease is disinfected, the skin is stabbed with a triple needle, the blood is released, or the cans of fire are extracted in conjunction, so that the blood is left to flow, and when it is stopped, the gold ointment is applied.

V. Prevention and care:

(1) Bed rest, adequate drinking water and raising of the sick.

(2) Persons with skin damage shall be treated in a timely manner in order to avoid exposure to the poison, and persons with rejuvenation of the lower limbs by infection with the lower limb fungi shall be completely cured with care for clean skin and clothing so as to reduce the recurrence.

(3) There is also a need for anti-smoking, alcohol and spicy food, and for anti-eating hairs when the wounds are not fully healed. They include foods such as beef, lamb, dog meat, yellow tea, ginger, onions, onions, chili, pepper, mustard, garlic and so forth, while patients are not allowed to eat more sugar.