In everyday life, infection is a health challenge that we often face. Common colds, more severe bacteria and viral infections can cause discomfort to our bodies and even affect normal lives and work. It is therefore essential to understand the prevention of infection.
I. Maintaining good hygiene practices
Handwashing is one of the most basic and effective ways of preventing infection. Our hands are exposed to a variety of objects in daily life and are vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. It is important to wash hands carefully with soap and running water for a period of not less than 20 seconds, including before meals, after exposure to public goods and after coming home from outside. When washing hands, care is taken to wash fingers, nails, etc., where it is easy to hide dirt.
The preservation of oral health, which is an important place for bacteria, reduces the risk of infection. Brush your teeth every morning and night, wash your mouth after dinner and use your teeth to clean your teeth. The toothbrush is periodically replaced to avoid bacterial growth.
3. Take care of personal cleaning. Regular bathing, hair washing, changing clothes and keeping your body clean. Especially in hot summers and after exercise, the body should be cleaned in time to avoid the sweating of bacteria. To choose air-breathing clothing and avoid wearing too tight or inhaled clothes.
II. Increased exercise and immunization
The choice of the mode of movement that suits you. It is possible to choose how to move for yourself, such as running, swimming, yoga, cycling, etc. At least three campaigns per week, each time for not less than 30 minutes.
Increased immunity is a long-term process that requires sustained exercise. It is not possible to catch fish for two days in the sun, and only if it is sustained over a long period of time can it be effective in improving the body ‘ s resilience.
3. Pay attention to the strength of the movement. Appropriate motor strength can be selected according to their physical condition and age. In the course of the exercise, if ill-health occurs, the exercise should cease immediately.
III. A reasonable diet to ensure nutritional balance
1. Vegetable fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fibres, which help to increase the body ‘ s immunity. At least five different types of vegetables and fruits are consumed daily, ensuring nutritional balance.
2. Ingestion of sufficient protein is an essential part of the body ‘ s cell and is essential to maintain its normal functioning and immunity. Sufficient protein can be consumed by eating such food as skinny meat, fish, eggs, beans, etc.
3. Controlling the ingestion of sugar and grease. Excessive sugar and grease can lead to obesity and lower body immunity. Ingestion of sugar and grease should be controlled to avoid excessive consumption of sweet and fried food.
IV. Maintaining good habits
Sleep is an important time for physical recovery and restoration, and sufficient sleep increases the body’s immunity. You’ll have to make sure that you sleep for 7-8 hours a day, so you don’t stay up late.
2. Reduce stress. Long-term stress affects the body ‘ s immune system and increases the risk of infection. Pressure can be alleviated by listening to music, reading, tourism, etc., so as to keep the mood open. Smoking and over-drinking can harm the body’s immune system and increase the risk of infection. Try to stop drinking and keep a healthy lifestyle.
V. Attention to sanitation
Maintenance of a clean living environment Regular cleaning of rooms, garbage removal and maintenance of good indoor ventilation Furniture, floors, etc. can be disinfected with disinfectants.
2. Avoid exposure to sources of infection during periods of high prevalence of infectious diseases, such as the influenza season, and avoid as much as possible access to densely populated sites such as malls, cinemas, etc. If you have to go, wear a mask and take precautions.
3. Be careful not to eat unclean food or drink raw water. When buying food, care is taken to check the shelf life and date of production of the food, and to select fresh, healthy food.
In short, preventing infection requires a multi-faceted approach in which good hygiene practices, improved exercise, a reasonable diet, good living habits and attention to sanitation are all very important measures. Only by focusing on the prevention of infection can we effectively reduce the risk of infection and safeguard our healthy lives.