You’ve got the nerve of a trident.
In fact, this conclusion is not an exaggeration, and for patients and their families suffering from trident nerve pains, it is not unusual to have a head-on attack on a wall when a disease occurs, and depression and grumpyness are more common. Trident nerve pains in the body, but often destroyed by the patient’s mind — despair caused by endless pain, often the last straw to crush the patient.
Don’t ask for help without reason.
Ms. Zhang, 56 years old, had an acute pain like a needle in the left tooth four years ago. However, as in the past, Ms. Zhang wondered if the tooth was on fire again, but it was not long before the pain of the needle came out again. She was then given some anti-inflammatory pain medication in the local health centre for the treatment of her toothache, which, owing to a lack of awareness of the disease, has not improved for many years, and which has led to her being afraid to eat, wash her face, speak and even seek death several times, which has seriously affected her life. In order to be able to receive further medical attention, Professor Wang Ziang, a neurosurgeon at Dondo Hospital, was recently found to refine the examinations and make it clear that, having been prepared for serious surgery, she was diagnosed with trident neurological pain. After four years of pain, the days returned to the calm of the past.
Why has microvascular decompression become the best available treatment for trident neuropsychotic pain in the world?
Each person has one of the thickest neurons (the fifth against the brain neurons), the trident nerve is made up of eye (first), upper and lower (second) chords, and the nerve of the face is very sensitive and fragile, and is bound to suffer severe pain if the trident neurons, which combine the three neurons, are “intimate” to the cerebral vessels, and cause oppression. Microvascular repressures address the cause of trident neuropsychological pain by following a microscope operation to find the vascular responsible for the oppression of the trident neurons, and then to raise the vascular responsible for the trident neuropsychology with a special gasket.
Reminds me that trident nerve pains are easily confused with facial neurological pains such as larvae, herpes and herpes, and lysy joints, so that, in case of facial pain symptoms, patients should be treated in a regular hospital in time to avoid delay.