Male pearl rashes are different from sharp wet tatters.

There is a clear difference between the appearance of male pearl rashes and the sharp hysteria, mainly in terms of colour, form, texture and location. The following is a detailed analysis of the appearance of the two diseases:

I. The colour difference

Male pearl rash: The skin colours are mainly translucent rashes of light red, yellow or white colours, sometimes the same as skin colours. The tip might be yellow white or light red.

Sharp and wet tatters: The skin colours begin to be light red particles, and later colours can become grey, pink or white.

II. Form differences

Male pearl rash: Most of them are pearly, smooth on the surface, and morphological rules. The herpes are usually arranged independently and do not integrate with each other, sometimes around the coronal ditch.

Sharp-wetting beaks: In a variety of forms, they can be distributed individually or more. As the condition evolves, skin damage increases, increases and integrates into irregular forms such as vegetable, nipple and chicken corona.


Male pearl rash: Harder to break.

Sharp and wet argon: The body is softer, and there are signs of ulceration, rot, haemorrhage, etc.

IV. Distinction of location

Male pearl rashes: mainly at the edges of male tortoise coronary ditches, and in some cases a similar rash on both sides of the penis belt.

Shrimp and wet: mainly in vulva, tortoise, acoustic and rapid consultations, with doctors *skin belts, coronary ditches, urine mouths, etc.

In addition, male pearl rashes are usually caused by over-skinned or inflammatory diseases, while acute wetting is a sexually transmitted disease caused by human papilloma virus infections. Male pearl rashes are not per se harmful and do not require special treatment, while acute hysteria requires timely medical attention and treatment under the guidance of a doctor.