It is the common aspiration of every patient and medical worker to leave the tumor (cancer) pain and to regain a comfortable life. Western medicine and Chinese medicine have special features in the treatment of tumours, and they are presented below separately, with a focus on several Chinese medicine pharmacists’ methods of adapting to different malignant tumours.
Western medicine
chemotherapy: Interrupting tumor growth through chemical drugs that kill rapidly growing cancer cells, disrupting cell cycles, inhibiting DNA synthesis, etc. Some types of tumours, such as leukaemia, have significant effects.
Demobilization: The use of high-energy rays to expose tumour tissues destroys the DNA structure of cancer cells and causes them to die as a result of dissociation. This law is appropriate for the palliative treatment of multiple real cancers and certain blood system diseases.
Target treatment: Precision strikes on cancers with specific molecular anomalies and determination of mutations in target molecules based on genetic results to improve local control and improve quality of life.
Immunotherapy: The use of artificially regulated autoimmune responses to combat malignant tumours, such as immunosuppressants, helps to increase the recognition and lethality of T-cells to tumour cells.
Chinese medicine method
In the treatment of tumour pain, emphasis is placed on holistic management and individualized treatment, which can be achieved through the management of the body ‘ s luminous balance, communication and the promotion of aerobic blood. The following are some of the Chinese medicine’s prescriptions and their adaptation:
♪ To make things right ♪
Adaptive diseases: This applies to cases where oncology patients are ill-satisfied, so as to increase their physical resistance, prevention and adaptation by respirating blood, spleen and stomach and kidney.
Chinese medicine is commonly used: ginseng, ginseng, yellow, yellow, white, Weishan, familiar, winter, winter, winter, salsin, chastity, sacrilegia, sacrilegia and Patron.
Soft Breaker
Adaptive: applies to physical swelling, such as breast cancer, thyroid cancer, etc. The treatment is achieved by softening hard blocks and dispersing swelling.
China’s usual Chinese medicine: nails, gills, dragons, oysters, earthworms, guacamole, algae, Qungbu, Zhebe, cat claws, etc.
Antithermal antidote
Adaptive conditions: In the mid-term and late stages applicable to malignant tumours, the patient often suffers from fever, swelling, local burning, pain, thirst, constipation, and tact yellow. Treatment is achieved by controlling and eliminating inflammation and oedema of the tumor and its surroundings.
Common Chinese medicine: white snakes, half of a lot, gold and silver, yellow and yellow, seven leaves and a flower, vervain, and so on.
The pixie heater.
Absorption: It applies to thermal venom, which is one of the pathology common to tumours. To mitigate the toxic side effects of tumour sterilisation chemotherapy by vaccinating the heat.
The Chinese medicine is commonly used: Prince Zin, Winter, Bornland, Bamboo, Sandsing, Mothers.
Fight the poison.
Adaptive: applies to tumours resulting from tumours caused by dyspnotic disorders and toxic sludge. Certain toxic drugs have a strong anti-cancer effect, which can be used to resist cancer when humans have positive gas.
Caution: Each person has a different body and tumour type, and the use of poison-fighting is subject to medical examination by a specialist.
Comprehensive treatment
The combination of treatment of tumours in western and central medicine can take advantage of each other and provide patients with more comprehensive treatment options. While the western medicine approach, which directly targets on tumour cells, has the effect of rapidly reducing the tumour load, the Chinese medicine focuses on adjusting the overall functioning of the patient, improving his/her body, reducing the side effects of Western medicine and improving the quality of life of the patient.
In general, the absence of tumours (cancer) pain requires a combination of treatments and individualized treatments tailored to the specific circumstances of the patient. At the same time, maintaining a good mind and a positive lifestyle are important factors in combating tumours.
Oncological rehabilitation corridors in November 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of the month)
We’re looking for 50 oncological patients, with a clinical teacher from a professional Chinese-Western medical team of specialists, to help you analyze the situation, so that you can understand the truth about the tumor!
# Don’t forget, ask attention #
I’ll teach you a good way to get rid of the disease!