These symptoms may be anaemic.

Anaemia is a common blood disease, which refers to the number of red cells in the blood or to lower than normal levels of haemoglobin, resulting in insufficient oxygen to the body tissue. Women are more vulnerable to anaemia due to the special nature of the menstruation cycle. The following symptoms occur during the menstruation period, which may indicate anemia:1. Powerlessness and fatigueDuring menstrual periods, women may feel more tired and powerless than usual. This sense of fatigue, if particularly severe, may not only be caused by menstruation, but rather by anaemia. When anaemia occurs, the body lacks enough red cells to transport oxygen, leading to a decrease in energy levels and thus to a sense of continuous fatigue.2. Heartbreak and respiratory difficultiesAnaemia can lead to an accelerated heart beating by the heart to compensate for the oxygen deficiency, and women may feel consternation. At the same time, even minor physical activity may cause respiratory difficulties due to a lack of oxygen in the body.3. Dizziness and headachesAnaemia can cause brain oxygen deficiency, leading to dizziness and headaches. During menstruation, anemia may be a sign if the head is often dizzled or the headaches increase.4. Pale faceDue to the decline in haemoglobin levels, skin and mucous membranes of patients with anaemia may appear pale. Menstrual women may be an anaemic if they find themselves paleer than usual, especially during menstruation.5. Inadequate focus and reduced memoryAnaemia can affect cognitive functions, leading to a lack of focus, memory loss and mental retardation. In the case of menstruation, consideration should be given to the possibility of anaemia if these symptoms occur and are different from normal menstruation symptoms.6. Dry skin and fragile nailsAnaemia can affect the health of skin and fingernails, resulting in dry skins, lack of light and vulnerability to broken nails.7. Excess of menstruationExcess menstruation is a common cause of anaemia among women. Every time there is a haemorrhage, it consumes the iron stored in the body, resulting in iron deficiency, which in turn causes anaemia.8. The digestive system problemAnaemia sometimes leads to problems with the digestive system, such as appetite, nausea, constipation or diarrhoea. These symptoms may become more evident during menstruation.How to judge anemia?If these symptoms occur during the menstruation period, anemia can be determined by:General blood testing: this is the most direct way to diagnose anaemia. Blood tests are used to determine haemoglobin levels and red cell count.Iron-protein level determination: Iron-protein is an indicator of iron storage in the body and low-level iron-protein levels are usually associated with anaemia.Symptomological observation: persistent symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, heart attack, especially during menstruation, should be noted.How to prevent and treat menstrual anaemiaImproved diet: Increased iron-rich foods, such as red meat, green leaf vegetables, beans, nuts and fruits with vitamin C to help with iron absorption.Iron supplements: Iron supplements, under the supervision of a doctor, can help to correct anaemia.Control of menstruation: If the menstruation is excessive, a doctor should be consulted and a drug or other treatment may be needed to control haemorrhage.Periodic medical check-ups: periodic check-ups, especially regular blood tests, contribute to early detection and intervention in anaemia.Avoid overwork: During menstruation, take appropriate rest and avoid overwork.In short, symptoms of menstruation, dizziness, heart palpitation and paleness during menstruation may be signs of anaemia. Women should pay attention to these symptoms, take timely medical examinations and prevent and treat anaemia through a reasonable diet and living habits.