The “time-in-time bomb” of the human body – the aortic trap layer?

1. What is the aortial layer:

The aortic diarrhea (AD) is the blood that enters the middle of the aorta through an endometriosis, which can extend at a certain distance along the aortic wall and its branches. The aortic diarrhea is an acute disease, has an acute, rapid change, has a high mortality rate, has a high mortality rate of 50 per cent if it is not treated, and has a high incidence of 50 per cent if it is not treated.

2. Symptoms of the aortosphere:

• chest pain: more than 85 per cent of patients suffer from sudden, persistent pains in the back of their chest, such as “torn samples” or “stabbing knives”, accompanied by an imminent death, which does not relieve morphine.

• Hydraulic abnormalities: 80 per cent of patients can be shown to be hypertensive, hypertensive or hypotensive.

• Obsolete organs and ischaemic blood expression: neurological symptoms such as renal ischaemic, lower limb ischaemic or paraplegic symptoms can be observed when pelvis and internal artery, body artery and spinal blood are produced.

• Broken: An artery rupture is the most common cause of death in the aortexary layer. Patients are often exposed to haemorrhagic shock, such as pale face, wet limbs, sweat, extreme irritation and reduced blood pressure.

• Other associated symptoms: the cortex and the aorta valves lead to the partial closure of the aortic valves, which can have a hysteria of the aortic valves and, in the case of heavy persons, cardiac failure; the coronary dysentery, which causes cardiac infarction, cardiac abnormality or heart failure; the cavity of the cavity into the cortex, which leads to cardiac plugging; and the cortex increase or an aneurysm, which can have the corresponding symptoms of oppression.

3. What are the causes of the aortial layer:

• High blood pressure: normal arterial vascular walls can withstand high stress, but when the pressure rises, ischaemic necrosis, fibrosis or dissectation of the inner membrane in the middle of the aorta, which in turn forms an aortic haematoma.

• Genetically defective diseases of the conjunctive tissues: patients with the mare syndrome, arcular constriction, arcal diformations and deformation of the arcal valves, who have genetic defects in the aorta ectoplasmic conjunction, causing cystic malformations in the mesmbrane and fibre tissue of the artery, which can cause the rupture of the artery internals and the formation of cystal haematoma in the event of lack of support for the altered internal membrane.

• Scrubbing of the artery: When the artery is scrubbed, the sclerosis can easily enter from the end of the membrane to form a stomatoma.

• Other: When traumatic operations such as trauma, inflammation, intervention can result in the formation of a cascading aneurysm.

4. How to prevent the aortial layer:

• Active control of blood pressure: patients with high blood pressure need to take medication and monitor blood pressure for a long period of time and keep it within reasonable limits;

• Actively combat the sclerosis of arteryal porridges, including the monitoring of blood sugar, blood resin, etc., with a focus on the treatment of diabetes mellitus, high lipid haemorrhagic disorders, etc., and active control of the progress of the disease;

:: Active treatment of genetic or acquired cardiac diseases: early control or delay of the progress of the disease in order to mitigate damage to the aerodynamic artery.

• Avoid excessive fluctuations in blood pressure: to maintain good sleep and mood, and to avoid the risk factors such as emotional agitation, late nights, excessive fatigue, sudden onset, heavy loads, heavy defecation, meals, cold, high heat, etc.;

• Ensuring a reasonable diet: a low-salt, low-fat diet, with attention to foods rich in dietary fibres, easy to digest, such as vegetables, fruits and coarse grains;

• Focus on regular medical examinations: attention is paid to regular medical examinations, especially for high-risk groups such as hypertension, diabetes, long-term smoking and alcohol, frequent stay overnight and high psychological stress, for early detection, prevention, control and treatment.

Aortic Plugins