Acute myocardial infarction is the most common cause of sudden heart death. Increased attention is being paid to the age at which acute myocardial infarction is occurring at an increasingly young age. How to detect signs of myocardial infarction in advance, how to actively prevent it, and how to provide first aid to patients who have already suffered acute myocardial infarction is something that we need to know and understand.In winter, we found that there was a marked increase in acute myocardial infarction in emergency care compared to the summer, mainly for the following reasons: in the first and third winter, the body was able to prevent the loss of heat, constriction of the whole blood vessels and reduction of dissipation, while at the same time leading to increased post-heart vascular resistance, which led to increased cardiac activity, thus increasing cardiac oxygen consumption and increasing the probability of heart infarction; in the second, constrictive blood vessels, which were more susceptible to convulsion and coronary artery, which led to the occurrence of cardiac inflammation; in the third and third winter, the movement of people was reduced, the circulation of the blood cycle slowed, and the climatic drying, which, if the intake of water was reduced, could lead to increased hemomentation, thus increasing the risk of coronary artery congestion; and in the fourth winter, which was more likely to occur and, when it was severed, increased cardiac oxygen consumption and induction. In the light of the above, and for the four reasons mentioned above, it is even more important to focus on myocardial infarction during the winter to prevent sudden death.How, then, should we detect the signs of a heart attack in advance and take precautions? I think it is important to do the following: first, acute myocardial infarction is mostly associated with patients with basic diseases such as hypertension, obesity, hyperfatemia and diabetes, so that, in the case of these basic diseases, a medical examination of the cardiovascular vessels should be performed on a regular basis, with early intervention and early treatment of the above-mentioned problems; second, patients with basic diseases, with unwanted appetites such as smoking, drinking alcohol and staying up the night, should be actively adjusted to reduce the risk that these factors may induce; third, the early appearance of chest pain, chest depression, nausea, vomiting, upper limb pains, if any, and, at the same time, the underlying diseases and related induction factors, will require early screening at the hospital for electrocardiograms, cardiac anemics, coronary arteries, etc., in order to understand the condition of the heart, and to provide early intervention and treatment.Finally, when we say rescue and treatment, how can we implement the most effective and reasonable first aid measures when a patient who has suffered from acute myocardial infarction is in front of us? First, there are many cases of acute myocardial infarction, routinely equipped with first aid drugs, including nitrate glycerine, Biaspirin, and tatin. If the patient has serious symptoms, at this time we quickly let the patient take them. Nitrate glycerine can expand the coronal artery, prevent hysteria, resist hysteria, biospills have a prophylactic effect, reduce local embolism formation, reduce the risk of congestion, histin-like hemoglobins can stabilize the clots and reduce the risk of local fracturing; second, after taking the medication, contact 120 as soon as possible, or immediately send the patient to hospital for further first aid; third, during the first aid, pacify the patient, keep the patient quiet and remain in half-sealed, with the aim of reducing cardiac muscle oxygen consumption and lower the heart load; and fourth, in the event of a patient’s respiratory and heart failure, i.e., where we have previously referred to a heart attack, we will immediately perform hand-held pulmonary resus. If there is an AED, i.e., an external automatic defibrillator, we place a defibrillator electrodes on the patient ‘ s chest, and use the AED ‘ s voice to defibrate the patient. In principle, we need to identify and treat patients who have died in a heart attack within the shortest possible time, with a four-minute time limit. This time limit is required to ensure that our brains can obtain blood as soon as possible, thus preventing anaerobic cerebral disease from occurring and preventing poor prognosis.That’s what I’m talking about.
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