Aging and gerontological nervous system diseases can cause changes in the urine muscles, leading to unstable contractions in the urine muscles of the elderly and are among the main causes of incontinence in the geriatric urine. Incontinence among older women is generally classified as acute and stressive.
The occurrence of stressful urine is associated with many factors.
More clearly now includes factors such as high fertility, pelvic decomposition and obesity. Incontinence of urine favours women because of their vulnerability to pelvic muscle and neurological damage during pregnancy and childbirth, which results in reduced control of the urea and subsequent “spills” when the abdominal pressure increases.
Despite the high incidence of urinary incontinence among women in the country, a number of patients are underestimating the treatment because of lack of awareness or inability to find the right path to treatment.
According to a study on the prevention and treatment of post-partum urinary incontinence, 68.42 per cent of the women involved did not know that incontinence was a high incidence of post-partum disease among women. In the case of post-natal incontinence, only 10.53 per cent chose medical treatment, 42.11 per cent chose to wait for self-healing, and awareness of the need to be raised.
It is clear that childbirth is a common cause of incontinence among women, many of whom are mistakenly aware that it is possible to prevent post-partum incontinence if the cervix is chosen. Insinuation of urine occurs not only after childbirth but also during pregnancy. In addition to childbirth, pregnancy is an important cause of damage to pelvic muscles and the support of the pelvis. Thus, even if a cervix is chosen, there is a risk of incontinence in the post-partum period. However, the choice of cervix for pregnant women, who are relatively large and have difficulty giving birth, may reduce their risk of incontinuation after childbirth.
Whether it is to reduce the risk of subsequent incontinence, or to avoid the incontinence of the incontinence at an early stage, an early examination and treatment should be provided in case of incontinence after delivery. In particular, female friends who have completed the first child and are planning to give birth to a second child are likely to increase the probability of a second child being born with urine if the first child is incontinent and the pelvic rehabilitation is poor.
In addition, it is important to have 42 days of pelvic check-ups after childbirth, especially for women who are incontinent after childbirth, to help them to detect problems and to treat them early.
For more severe stressful urine incontinence, surgical treatment, i.e. suspension in the urinary tract, can be provided and 99 per cent of patients can be cured after surgery.
Emergency urine incontinence.
The main manifestation is the patient’s high and acute urination rate, and his or her impatience and lack of self-restraint when he or she has a strong intent to urinate. The treatment of this group of patients is:
There are some who have a very urgent need to pee, who can’t hold it, who can’t take it, who wants to take it, and who may have the problem of having it at night, which are symptoms of urgent incontinence.
Behavioral treatment is first available and is effective for mild patients; if you want to pee, hold it up and increase the bladder capacity.
The second is drug treatment, which is generally available when behavioural treatment is ineffective, and the most common drugs are solina, Bettamly and Mirabelon.
If drug and behavioural treatments are not effective, meat toxin injections can be carried out to reduce overactivity in bladders; surgical treatments are more effective when conservative treatments are ineffective, and cystologically regulated surgery has become the same treatment as meat toxin treatments.