White wind winter is prone to three faults and teach you how to take care of it right!

White ostrich is a skin mucous membrane dereliction disease associated with a number of causes, including diseases of the immune system and mental factors. Patients may fall into the wrong zone during the winter due to misunderstandings that affect the effectiveness of treatment. The following is a description of the major areas where people with typhoids are vulnerable to winter and provide the right care to help them avoid recruitment.

Mistake I: Winter is lighter than summer.

Many patients believe that winter conditions will improve because of weak UV penetration, low levels of reaching the ground, no strong UV exposure to the human body, no large amount of melanoma to protect the skin, resulting in small differences in the colour of normal skin and white spots, thus giving them the false impression that white spots are beginning to improve. In practice, however, the condition has not improved as a result of cold winter. As a result, patients must not neglect their treatment because of the appearance of dilution in winter spots.

Mistake II: No treatment for white spots in winter clothes

During the winter, the cold became colder, more clothes were worn to protect against the cold, and the white spots were covered, which could make the patients less vigilant and feel that they did not need treatment. However, winter is a good time for treatment of typhoon, which is usually stable, with less influence from other triggers. Patients should seize this moment and continue their treatment to help recover the white spots.

Zone Three: The winter blizzard doesn’t spread without treatment.

The relatively small number of factors that affect typhoids in winter does not mean that white spots will not spread. Poor diets and living habits, such as eating lamb, spicy stimuli, food with vitamin C and some seafood, as well as freezing acne, cold, etc., can lead to white flu. As a result, food and living habits still need to be adjusted to avoid the spread of white spots in winter.

The right way to care

Skin care: The winter is cold, the skin is dry, and patients with white phoenix are required to take skin care measures, use warm water to clean the skin, avoid the use of irritating washing products, coating the skins to keep their skin wet. At the same time, cotton and loose clothing are worn to avoid friction on the skin.

Dietary adjustment: Patients can eat more vitamin- and protein-rich food, such as bananas, wooden ears, milk, eggs, etc., to supplement their body ‘ s needs and to facilitate recovery. Avoid consumption of spicy irritated food to avoid skin irritation, leading to increased condition.

Rest and exercise: Patients should ensure sufficient sleep time to avoid staying up late so as not to affect the body ‘ s immunity. At the same time, proper physical exercise, such as jogging, swimming, badmintoning, etc., can enhance health and contribute to the recovery of the condition. Care needs to be taken, however, to avoid intense physical activity that leads to overwork.

The PRP-CK national pigmentine transplant uses the special features of self-skin, non-spectrum, non-exposure, light skin loss, high survival rate, and white-coloured nature. In particular, it is suited to the persistent and stubborn white wind.