The dialysis patients are at high risk of pulmonary pyromococcal infections due to a number of factors, including low self-immunization and long-term dialysis treatment. Prevention is essential to guarantee the health and quality of life of the dialysis patients.
First, strict dialysis of the environment is key. The dialysis centre should maintain a high level of hygiene and perform regular and comprehensive sterilization of dialysis equipment, treatment rooms, etc. The dialysis machine, after each use, is subject to rigorous cleaning and disinfection in accordance with a standard process to ensure that there are no residues. The air in the treatment room can be kept fresh by installing air purification equipment and regular window ventilation, with no fewer than two ventilations per day for at least 30 minutes at a time to reduce the concentration of bacteria in the air, such as pyromococcus.
Secondly, the normative operation of health personnel cannot be ignored. Before and after exposure to dialysis patients, medical personnel are required to wash their hands strictly, to follow the rules of hand hygiene, to use suitable hand-washing fluids and to have full hands in all parts for a period of not less than 20 seconds. When dialysis-related operations, such as punctures, connections, etc., are carried out in strict compliance with the principle of sterile operations, ensuring that medical devices, consumables, etc. used are sterile and avoiding the transport of pyromium into the patient ‘ s body as a result of improper operations.
Moreover, for dialysis patients themselves, increasing immunity is an important prevention initiative. Despite the special health condition of the dialysis patients, a modest exercise should be carried out under the direction of a doctor, such as a simple walk, where the condition permits, which helps to promote blood circulation and enhance the resilience of the body.
At the same time, adequate nutritional intake should be ensured and diets should be rich in good-quality proteins, vitamins, etc. More food is available for fish, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits to maintain normal body metabolic functions and provide the necessary support for the immune system.
In addition, the rational use of anti-bacterial drugs is essential for the prevention of pulmonary pyromococcal infections. Patients who dialysis use antibacterial drugs must strictly follow the prescriptions of the doctor and must not reduce their own doses or stop them at will. Unreasonable use of anti-bacterial drugs can disrupt the normal balance of the fungus in the body, thus creating opportunities for the breeding of bacteria in conditions such as pyrocolosis.
Oral health also requires attention. The mouth is a common pyroclastic plant, and dialysis patients should develop good oral hygiene practices, brush their teeth at least twice a day, use soft-haired toothbrushes and change them regularly. After the meal, mouthwashing is done in a timely manner, with the option of appropriate mouthwashing, maintenance of mouth cleaning, reduction of dysentery implantation in the mouth and reduction of risk of infection through respiratory entry into the lungs. Regular screening is also a necessary preventive tool.
The dialysis patients should conduct regular pulmonary imaging examinations, saplings, etc., in accordance with the doctor ‘ s arrangements, so as to detect any abnormalities in the lungs in a timely manner and, if there are signs of haemophilis infection, early intervention and treatment to prevent further infection.
In general, the prevention of pulmonary pulmonary pyrophyllosis among dialysis patients requires a combination of dialysis centres, medical personnel and the patients themselves. The incidence of pulmonary pyromococcal infections and the health and life safety of dialysis patients can be effectively reduced only if prevention measures are strictly implemented, starting with the environment, operation and care of the patient himself.
Lung infections