Constance cancer, as a common malignant tumour, poses a serious threat to human life and health. According to the World Health Organization, colon cancer ranks third in global cancer incidence and second in mortality. In our country, the incidence of colon cancer is also increasing, becoming one of the major diseases that endanger the lives and health of the population. Therefore, raising awareness of colon cancer and strengthening prevention and screening are important for reducing morbidity and mortality.
II. Causes and high-risk factors of colon cancer:
1. Causes of disease: The causes of colon cancer are not yet entirely clear and are currently considered to be related to the following factors: (1) Genetic factors: There is a high risk of disease among the population with a history of colon cancer in the family. (2) Dietary factors: High fat, high protein, low-fibrous eating habits, and excessive ingestion of red meat and processed meat may increase the risk of colon cancer. (3) Lifestyle: Lack of exercise, obesity, smoking, drinking, etc., is also a risk factor for colon cancer. (4) Chronic Inflammation: Inflammatory diseases such as chronic coliitis and ulcer enteritis may increase the risk of colon cancer.
2. High-risk factors: The following groups are at high risk of colon cancer: (1) Persons aged 40 or over. (2) The family has a history of colon cancer. (3) Persons suffering from chronic and inflammatory diseases such as coliitis and ulcers. (4) People who smoke, drink alcohol and lack exercise.
III. Prevention of colon cancer:
Improved eating habits: Increased intake of fibre-rich foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains and reduced intake of red meat and processed meat.
2. Motivation: Maintaining adequate physical activity helps reduce the risk of colon cancer.
3. Weight control: avoiding obesity and maintaining healthy weight.
4. Prohibition of alcohol: Smoking and drinking are risk factors for enteric cancer, and cessation of alcohol helps to reduce the risk of morbidity.
Periodic medical check-ups: For high-risk groups, colon cancer screening should be carried out on a regular basis.
Screening for colon cancer:
1. Screening methods: (1) A blood test in the urine: simple, uninvited, applicable to large-scale screening. (2) intestinal lenses: intestinal pathologies can be observed directly, and active examinations can be conducted for suspicious pathologies. (3) CT Replicating enteroscopy: Unprejudiced, optional for patients who cannot withstand intestinal examination.
2. Screening proposal: (1) People over 40 years of age shall be subjected to an annual defecation blood test. (2) A group of people with a family history of rectal cancer shall begin intestinal examination at the age of 40 and thereafter every 5-10 years. (3) Persons suffering from chronic and inflammable diseases such as chronic colonitis and ulcer enteritis shall be regularly screened on the recommendation of a doctor.
Early detection and treatment of colon cancer:
1. Early Symptoms: There may be no visible symptoms at an early stage of colon cancer, but as the condition evolves, the following symptoms may occur: (1) A change in shit habits, such as diarrhoea, constipation and blood in the toilet. (2) Unwell abdominal condition, such as abdominal pain and abdominal swelling. (3) Weight loss, anaemia. (4) Illness and wasting.
2. Early treatment: The treatment of early colon cancer is more effective, with a five-year survival rate of over 90 per cent. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, treatment, etc.
The prevention and screening of colon cancer are key to reducing morbidity and mortality. By improving living habits, regular medical examinations, timely detection and treatment of early pathologies, we can safeguard the health line of life and reduce the threat to the health of people from colon cancer.