A 25-year-old girl from the Henan Mt. Hill performed a wired eyelid surgery three years ago, but the post-operative effects were not ideal. Faced with an unnatural eyelid and eye form, she decided to look for a professional rehabilitation programme and eventually chose us for a repair operation. This time, the girl’s request for restoration is a natural one for her eyelids.
II. Analysis of the reasons for the failure of the cavity: the eye condition is not suitable for the cavity: The woman ‘ s eye problems of mild eye bulbs and lax eyelids determine that she is not fit to perform the twin eyelid surgery. The surgical programme is not reasonable: the initial operation did not take fully into account the eye characteristics of the woman, resulting in the poor effect of the operation. Current eye condition: lightening of left eyelids and anomalous. The eyelids of the right eye almost disappeared and the eyes were asymmetrical. The eyes of the whole are deviant and lacking in vitality. III. Method of repair programme: full eyelid restoration. Full-cut eye-skin operations can address eye problems more thoroughly and reshape natural eye-skin patterns by removing appropriate amounts of skin and fat. Form design: Fan eyes. The shape of a fanny-eyed skin is natural, elegant and suitable for the whole face of the woman. Surgery: Take out the stitches from the previous operation. Cut off the appropriate amount of skin and fat and adjust the eye form. Suture and suture, and form a new line of eyes. Post-recovery effects
The eye morphology of the woman was significantly improved after a full eye-skin repair operation. The line of eyes flows naturally and complements the whole facial characteristics. The eyes have become divine and bright, and the whole face has been enhanced.
V. Summary and summary of recommendations: Duplex surgery, although it has the advantage of small trauma and recovery, is not suitable for all. In choosing the method of surgery, due consideration should be given to the eye characteristics of the individual and to his or her surgical adjustment. In cases of poor initial surgery, it would be advisable to seek a professional rehabilitation programme in a timely manner. Recommendation: Before any eye plastic surgery is performed, it is important to communicate fully with the doctor and understand the characteristics of the individual ‘ s eye and the risks of the operation. (b) Select formal, specialized medical institutions for the operation to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Post-operative care and recovery is carried out in accordance with medical advice to avoid infection and other complications. Oscilloscope.