The facial spasm is also known as a facial convulsion, a sideal ectoplasmosis, which is manifested in a ecstasy of one side of the facial muscle, and an autonomous discomfort. Stimulation usually begins with the eyelids of one side, then is gradually extended to the face and mouth, and the severer can be drawn to the same neck. The incidence of the disease is 1 per 100,000, mostly in the middle and old age, with more women than men.
Special eye convulsions:
The main symptoms are twitching in the eyes, which is common, mostly on both sides. The number of blinkings has increased, accompanied by an eyelid and a weak eye. Convulsive symptoms are improved in the case of sleep, mouth-opening, speech, yawning, etc., while they appear or increase in the case of fatigue, stress, reading, strong light and walking; in addition to eye convulsions, the patient can be accompanied by mental disorders such as abnormal facial feelings, apathy, facial palsy, etc.
It is therefore important to have a clear diagnosis during the treatment process.
How do facial spasms work best?
1 Medicines: Ineffective treatment, camasipine, bentoinna, barophene and various sedatives can alleviate symptoms for a small number of patients.
Surgery: mainly microvascular repressures, applicable to: primary facial absculosis, excluding secondary pathologies; history of faceless neuropsychiatric injuries; poor effect of conservative treatment; absence of serious systemic disorders.
Microvascular decompression is the removal from the surgical microscope of an angiogenesis that is located in the face of the nerve and which causes stress on the nerve and is fixed so that the blood vessels do not come into contact with the facial nerve, thus removing the pressure on the neurological side of the vein, restoring the normal function of the facial nerve and eliminating the twitch of the skin. The overall efficiency of microvascular decompression for the treatment of face muscle spas can be more than 98 per cent, with such characteristics as microinceptions, high safety, significant effects and low recurrence and incidence of complications.
The microvascular decompression performed by Professor Wang Cai is carried out under a nervous endoscope and has the following advantages:
1. Small surgical incision and low haemorrhage;
2. Full observation of neuro-vascular relations;
(c) To observe closely and not to leave behind a responsible blood vessels;
Reduction of post-operative complications;
Thus, the choice of a professional team, the appropriate treatment, can help people with facial avulsions to get out of the disease and back to normal life.