Dietary advice for breast cancer patients

The diet of breast cancer patients is important for physical recovery and for improving the quality of life. A reasonable diet enhances the body ‘ s resistance, supports treatment and reduces complications.

Vegetables and vegetables

Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamin C, Vitamin E etc. are resistant to oxidation, remove free radicals and reduce cell damage. Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and carrots are rich in carrots and vitamins and contribute to the body ‘ s antioxidation defence. Blueberries, strawberries, etc., in fruit are rich in antioxidant phyllin and are good for the body. A sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruit should be guaranteed daily, with vegetables of about 500 grams and fruit of 200 – 300 grams.

High-quality proteins

Protein is a key nutrient for body restoration and maintenance of immune function. Skinny meat, such as chicken, fish meat, is a good source of quality protein. Chicken fat is low and easily digestible. Fish meat is rich in unsaturated fatty acid, especially Omega-3 fatty acid, which helps to reduce blood resin and inflammation. For breast cancer patients, 2 – 3 fish per week. In addition, eggs, beans and their products are sources of quality protein. The soybean isophetone in beans has some plant estrogen activity, but unlike human estrogen, appropriate intake does not aggravate the condition, but is good for the body, such as tofu, soy sauce, etc.

Whole grain

Whole-grain foods include wheat bread, rough rice, oats, etc. They are rich in dietary fibres, which promote intestinal creeping and reduce constipation. In the treatment of breast cancer, constipation is one of the most common adverse effects, especially when using chemotherapy. At the same time, the whole cereal foods also contain a variety of nutrients, including vitamin B, which has a positive effect on the metabolism of the body. In the choice of staple foods, part of the meta-meal face can be replaced with full-eat food, ensuring a certain amount of full-eat intake for each meal.

Healthy fatty

Adequate intake of healthy fat is necessary. Olive oil is a high-quality grease, rich in unsaturated fatty acid, which helps to regulate blood resin. During cooking, olive oil may be used instead of other fats. The nuts also contain healthy fats, such as almonds, walnuts, etc., but be careful to be adequate because of the higher heat of the nuts. Just a little nut a day (about 10 almonds or 2 – 3 walnuts). At the same time, the intake of saturated and trans-fats, such as oil from animal oils and some fried foods, should be reduced.

Food avoided or reduced

Breast cancer patients should avoid high sugar food because high sugar diets can lead to increased body weight, while obesity is one of the risk factors for the recurrence of breast cancer. You need to eat as little as you can. Pickled foods contain more nitrites, with a potential risk of carcinogenicity and reduced consumption. In addition, spicy, irritating foods may exacerbate gastrointestinal discomfort and should be appropriately reduced in the event of gastrointestinal reaction during treatment. Alcohol can affect liver metabolism of estrogen and may increase the risk of re-emergence of breast cancer, so drinking should be avoided.

In general, the diet of breast cancer patients needs to be diversified and balanced, with emphasis on the nutritional value of food, with appropriate adjustments to their physical condition and treatment. A reasonable diet is an inescapable link in the integrated treatment of breast cancer.