A list of fruits for diabetes patients

Today, let’s talk about a topic that is of great concern to all of us: what fruits are suitable for diabetics. When it comes to fruit, you might think it’s sweet, and diabetics have to go far. Actually, some fruit is not only good for us, but good for health!

First of all, we need to know the principle of choosing fruit with a relatively low sugar content and a low LSD. What’s a sugar index? In short, the rate at which blood sugar rises after eating this food. Low-input water, fruit, after eating blood sugar, doesn’t go up like a roller coaster.

Apple is a good choice! Everyone knows apples. Apples are rich in food fibres, which are like little brushes that help us clean the intestinal tract and promote intestinal creeping. And the gum in the apple can slow down the intestinal absorption of sugar, so that the blood sugar rises even more steadily. It’s okay to eat a medium-sized apple every day. Note, however, that it is best to eat between meals, which has the least effect on blood sugar.

There are also oranges, which are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and yellow ketone. These are like little shields in the body that protect our cells from the free radicals. The amount of sugar in oranges is not very high, and the sugar index is moderate. When eating oranges, you can divide it into petals, and slowly it won’t suddenly raise the blood sugar.

Strawberry is also a “good friend” of diabetics. It’s low in sugar, it’s rich in vitamins and minerals, and it can be used to supplement our bodies. Washing strawberries and eating them as extra meals will satisfy the appetite of the abdomen and will not put too much burden on blood sugar.

The grapefruit is a good fruit we can’t miss. The grapefruit has the effect of cooling the fire and is good for the body. The grapefruit skin can help us to be sensitive to insulin, which is so important for controlling blood sugar!

In addition, it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and dietary fibres, such as the monkey. The gills are sour and sweet, and they taste good. You can eat like oranges, cut into little pieces, so you can better control your intake.

But even these suitable fruits cannot be eaten much. Every time you eat fruit, you have to adjust to your own blood sugar. If you’re eating fruit and there’s a marked rise in blood sugar, you have to reduce the amount of fruit you eat next time or try another fruit. And, to calculate the heat of fruit to the total calorie intake per day, it’s better to control blood sugar, and to keep us healthy while enjoying the good fruit.