Classification and treatment of brain damage

In recent years, with the frequency of traffic accidents, injuries at work and various kinds of accidents, brain damage has become one of the major causes threatening human health. According to the data, brain trauma accounts for about 15 per cent of the total number of injuries, and mortality rates are as high as 85 per cent of the total. Brain damage can result in permanent functional impairments of varying degrees, even endangering the life of the patient in serious cases. Understanding the classification of brain damage and its treatment principles is therefore important for timely and effective treatment and rehabilitation.

Classification of brain damage

Brain damage can be categorized according to the cause of the injury, pathological changes and clinical performance.(1) Initial brain damage: The original brain damage refers to brain tissue damage directly caused by an external force, the common types of which include concussion, contusion, original brain stem damage and permafrost damage. Brain concussion is a short-lived brain function disorder caused by an external effect on the head of the human body, with patients usually having a short coma, generally recovering from a coma within minutes or 30 minutes, with mild headaches, nausea, vomiting and so on, but usually without neurological positive signs. The deformation of the brain ‘ s tissue as a result of violence, known as cerebral contusions, varies according to the parts of the deformity of the brain, and the patient displays different symptoms of the nervous system, such as the paralysis of the limbs, the loss of speech, etc., and, in serious cases, the fracture of the skull, the appearance of the smelling nerve, hearing nerve damage, etc. The original brain stem injury is a direct effect of external force on the brain stem, manifested in the following symptoms of prolonged comas, sharpness, variable pupil size, condensation of the eye and vision or separation of the eye, which often result in double cones and most of the cerebral neurosis, which is more serious; the amplitude axes is caused by external forces that fracture the human brain tissue, often by severe cognitive disorders, which can be accompanied by multiple brain fractures.(2) Congenital cerebral damage: Congenital brain damage is usually developed from the primary injury, and the most common types include cerebral oedema, internal haemorrhage, ischaemic haemorrhage and increased internal pressure. Brain oedema is the result of increased body size and internal pressure as a result of hydroaccumulation following damage to the human brain tissue, which is one of the most common complications of brain damage, often after a contusion. It is divided into epidural haematoma, subdural haematoma and intradural haematoma, which, depending on the time of occurrence, can be classified as acute (within 3 days), subacute (within 3 days to 3 weeks) and chronic (more than 3 weeks). The hemorrhage of the skull further increases the pressure of the skull, and even causes a hemorrhoid to threaten the life of the patient. Brain ischaemic haemorrhage is a local blood supply of the brain tissue of the human body, usually caused by cerebral vascular convulsions or sembracing, which, following a skull injury, makes the patient vulnerable to cerebral haemorrhage as a result of increased internal pressure and cerebral vascular convulsions, which are common complications of brain lesions, manifested in headaches and vomiting.(3) Closed brain damage and open brain damage: Closed brain damage refers to the integrity of the head, skull, but most cases of brain tissue damage are found in accidents such as wrestling, impact, etc. Open brain damage refers to fractures of the skull, skull and brain tissue, which are more likely to cause infection and other complications and make treatment more difficult.

Principles of treatment for brain damage

The treatment of brain damage is a comprehensive process involving medication, surgical treatment, etc.(1) General treatment: General treatment is the basis for the treatment of brain damage, including close monitoring by medical personnel of the patient ‘ s consciousness, physical activity and life signs, to ensure that the respiratory tract is smooth and to maintain blood oxygen saturation and blood pressure stability. Patients in acute periods are required to rest in bed, to maintain a quiet environment and to avoid excessive irritation.(2) Drug treatment: The treatment of the brain damage is of great importance, mainly in the areas of dehydration, sedation of pain and protection of brain cells. For patients with increased cerebral oedema and intracircle pressure, dehydrants such as glycerol injection, fursermy injection can be used to reduce the internal pressure of the patient by ejecting brain tissue moisture. Persons suffering from brain damage often suffer from headaches, irritation, etc., and can be treated with sedatives such as Tiscion and painkillers, while drugs such as aminophosphate can protect brain cells and reduce neurofunctional disorders caused by brain damage.(3) Surgery treatment: In cases of life-threatening brain damage, especially those involving urgent complications such as haematoma and sepsis in the skull, rapid surgery is required to remove haematoma, relieve internal stress and repair damaged brain tissue. In the case of patients with severe cerebral contusions accompanied by cerebral oedema, it becomes necessary to arrange a skull opening once they show a change in their state of consciousness and signs of a impairment of their nervous function, and medical treatment is not effective in containing the rise of internal pressure.


After reading this article, it is believed that there is also an understanding that brain damage is a common and serious disease, that it is complex to classify, and that there is a diversity of treatment principles, whether primary or secondary, that require a combination of medications and surgical treatments to ensure that patients receive the best possible treatment, that awareness of brain damage is raised, and that safety measures are important ways to reduce brain damage.