Heart failure: interpretation and repair of heart rate codes

In this delicately complex “building for life”, the heart is like the “engine” of the power core, and it beats with force, carrying the nutrients of life throughout the body. However, arrhythmia is like a rhythm disorder in the operation of this “engine” that breaks the normal working rhythm of the heart and poses many potential risks to health. Understanding the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac disorders, like having a password to repair the pace of the heart, can help us better protect the heart ‘ s health.

I. Diagnosis of cardiac disorders

Symptoms: The patient’s self-perception is an important clue to his or her heart disorder. Heart palpitation, i.e. the feeling of an abnormal heart rate, may be expressed as an excessive, slow, irregular or strong heart rate, often the first signal of a heart disorder. Dizziness, blackness and even faintness suggest that cardiac disorders may affect brain blood supply. During medical examinations, doctors pay special attention to the heart hearing, to the abnormal changes in heart rate, heart rate, heart tone, etc., such as the possible early heart rate and subsequent breaks during early strokes, and the absolute inconsistency of heart rate during tremors, as well as to the rhythm and strength of the pulse, in order to make a preliminary determination of the type and severity of heart disorder.

An electrocardiogram: This is the core “circular” for the diagnosis of cardiac disorders. Conventional 12 Consisting Cardiograms (CEG) can record the electrical activity of the heart in a short period of time, clearly display the heart rate, the heart rate, and the shape and time frame of the waves (P waves, QRS waves, T waves, etc.) and are of great value for the identification of various cardiac abnormalities, such as cardiac abnormalities, room early paces, room early strokes, room transmission retardation, etc. However, conventional EKGs sometimes find it difficult to capture a short-lived cardiac disorder, and Holter can be a big player. It keeps a record of EKG information for 24 hours or more, like a EKP, which, in the patient’s day-to-day state of activity, captures flashy, undetectable heart disorders, greatly increases the rate of detection of heart disorder and provides a more comprehensive and reliable basis for a clear diagnosis.

Other examinations: cardiac ultrasound is like a “window” that provides a visual view of the structure and functioning of the heart and examines the existence of structural heart diseases such as cardiac myocardial disease, valor disease and heart expansion, which are often linked to and cause and effect of heart disorders. For certain specific types of heart disorders, such as those suspected to result from cardiac physiology abnormalities or from the presence of a potential heart-transmission system disease, electrophysiological examination becomes the key to solving the puzzle. It provides the necessary details for the development of a precise treatment programme by sending an electrode catheter to the heart for an intravenous or artery, directly recording electrical activity in different parts of the heart, and allowing for electrical irritation to induce cardiac abnormalities, so as to determine precisely the mechanism for the occurrence of cardiac abnormalities, their origin and their conductor path.

II. The treatment of heart disorders

1. Lifestyle adjustments: For some cases of mild symptoms or cardiac disorders induced by bad living habits, lifestyle changes are often the first step in treatment and an important component of the foundation. The regularity ensures adequate sleep and gives the heart adequate rest and repair at night, as is the regular maintenance of the “engine” of the heart. Moderate exercise, such as walking, jogging, Tai Chi boxing, etc., enhances the adaptability of the heart function and cardiovascular capacity, but care is taken to avoid overwork and intense exercise and to prevent excessive heart burden. Stop smoking and reduce the adverse effects of irritant substances on the heart, like creating a clean and smooth “work environment” for the heart. Maintaining a level of mind and avoiding chronic stress, anxiety, anger, etc., as emotional volatility causes changes in the internal neuroendocrine system, which in turn affects the rhythm of the heart. (c) A rational diet that increases the intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, high-quality proteins, controls salt, sugar, fat intake, maintains healthy body weight and blood resin, blood pressure levels, provides good nutritional support for the proper functioning of the heart and stabilizes the internal environment.

Drug treatment: Drug treatment is one of the important tools for the treatment of heart disorders, as is the dispatch of a “drug force” to regulate the rhythm of the heart. There is a wide variety of anti-heart disorders, which can be classified into sodium route retardants, beta receptor retardants, potassium route retardants, calcium route retardants, etc. depending on the mechanism of their operation. These drugs correct cardiac disorders and restore the normal rhythm of the heart by acting on different electrophysiological components of the heart, such as inhibiting abnormal electrical impulses, regulating the speed of transmission, extending or reducing the proxies of myocardial cells. For example, β-receptor retardants are widely used clinically in a variety of heart disorders, which can slow down heart rate, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, have some therapeutic effect on heart disorders such as cardiac hypervelocity, room early pace, room early pace and room tremors, and also have the function of protecting the heart function. However, drug treatment is not once and for all, and each drug has its own specific adaptation, taboo and potential side effects. Patients are required, under the professional guidance of a physician, to make a reasonable choice of medicines based on the type, severity of heart disorder and their overall state of health, and to take them on time and in strict compliance with medical instructions, to periodically review indicators such as electrocardiograms, liver and kidney function, in order to adjust the dose of the drug or to replace the treatment programme in a timely manner and to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

3. Non-pharmaceutical treatment: Non-pharmaceutical treatment becomes an important treatment option when the heart disorder is more severe, the drug treatment is less effective or there is an apparent heart disorder.

– Cardiac pacemaker implants: In the case of slow cardiac disorders, such as a pathological infirmary condensation syndrome, room transfer retardation, etc., the pacemaker is like an “artificial electrocardial commander” who continuously monitors the electrical activity of the heart through the electrodes implanted in the body. When the heart’s own pacemaker or conductor function is found to be malfunctioning and the heart rate is too slow, the pacemaker issues a pulse in time to stimulate the heart to maintain normal heart rate and rhythm and to ensure the blood supply throughout the body. The pacemaker technology continues to develop, and today the pacemaker function is more intelligent and personalized, allowing for automatic re-alignment of the pacemaker ‘ s frequency to the patient ‘ s operational state, and simulates the physical reaction of the normal heart, which greatly improves the quality of life of the patient.

– Pioneer digestion: this is a micro-surgery method for the treatment of rapid heart disorders, which has the advantage of small trauma, rapid recovery and high healing rates. During the operation, the doctor, guided by an X-line or 3-D calibration system, delivers a catheter with a special electrode to the heart, where it is precisely located at the point of origin of a heart disorder or an abnormally conductive path, and then destroys the local cardiac tissue or abnormally telekinetic tissue by releasing, inter alia, radio-frequency currents, frozen energy or lasers, thereby disrupting the transmission of abnormal telecommunication numbers for the purpose of addressing the root heart disorder. For example, in the case of patients with room tremors, catheters can effectively reduce the number of tremors and even cure their roots, by triggering stoves, such as the segregation of pulmonary veins, so that they can recover from the suffering of chronic heart disorders and return to normal life and work.

– Surgery: In some complex cases of heart disorder, surgical treatment becomes a necessary option when it is accompanied by serious cardiac disorders (e.g. congenital heart disease, cardiac valve disease combined heart disorder) or other non-intrusive treatment is ineffective. Surgery can directly repair or correct the pathogenesis of the heart, while at the same time addressing the problem of cardiac disorders, such as maze treatments, changing the wiring path of the heart room by cutting a series of “maze” lines on the heart wall, and preventing the disorderly recovery of the telecommunications number, thus restoring the taccardia. However, the risks of surgery are relatively high and the trauma is high, requiring rigorous control of the surgical adaptation certificate and operation by an experienced heart surgery team.

Diagnosis and treatment of heart disorders is a complex and sophisticated process, requiring doctors to use a combination of tests to determine accurately the type and cause of heart disorders, and then to develop individualized treatments tailored to the specific circumstances of the patient. Being a patient with the basic knowledge of heart disorders, actively cooperating with the diagnosis and treatment of doctors, and developing good living habits are key to overcoming heart disorders and safeguarding the health of the heart. Let us listen to the heartbeat with our hearts, read and repair the rhythm of the heart in a scientific way, so that the rhythm of life never stops in healthy orbits.