In Beijing, according to the medical saying, “Thirty-to-Seven-Seven-Seven-Seven-Seven-Seven-Seven-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Six-Son-Son!

It is a more complex skin disease, which, while not life-threatening, can have a negative impact on the mental health and quality of life of the patient, as it is said in the “triple-and-seven” formula, which, combined with sound treatment and scientific procreation, can gradually improve the condition and restore the confidence and colour of life.

1. Rational diet

A balanced diet provides adequate nutrition to the body and enhances immunity. It is recommended that people with white phoenix eat more food with vitamin B, E and antioxidants, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, etc. At the same time, excessive consumption of stimulating foods and beverages such as spicy, fried, coffee etc. is avoided.

2. Adequate sleep

Good sleep helps to repair and restore the body. Patients with typhoids should be guaranteed sufficient sleep time, which is ideal for 7 to 9 hours per night. In addition, the maintenance of regular space-time helps to adjust the body ‘ s biological clock and improves the quality of sleep.

3. Moderate exercise

Motivated sports can enhance physical health and increase physical resistance. White fluents can choose their own sport, such as walking, yoga, Tai Chi etc. Sport not only promotes blood circulation, but also helps to relieve stress and improve mood.

4. Avoiding stimuli

Patients with white fluoride should try to avoid skin irritation such as friction, sun sun etc. The use of mild skins and the avoidance of cosmetics containing chemical components. In outdoor activities, care is taken to protect against sunscreen, such as wearing a hat and wearing sunscreen.

The PRP-CK national pigmentine transplant uses the special features of self-skin, non-spectrum, non-exposure, light skin loss, high survival rate, and white-coloured nature. In particular, it is suited to the persistent and stubborn white wind.