A book about gallbladderitis.

Cystic inflammation, a common disease of the system, has troubled the lives of many people. It not only causes pain and discomfort, but may also affect the normal functioning of the body when it is severe. Let’s get to the bottom of this.

Cholesterol is defined as an inflammatory disease that occurs in the cholesterol, which can be classified as acute and chronic cholesterol. Acute cystitis tends to be acute and more severe; chronic cystitis is relatively light, with a longer pathology, and can be repeated.

The causes of cholesterol disease are varied. Cholesterol is one of the most common causes of cholesterol infestation. When stones are formed within the gall bladder, the rock may block the gall bladder, leading to poor discharge of the gallows and higher pressure within the gall bladders, leading to inflammation. In addition, bacterial infections are an important factor. Bacteria are transmitted to the gallbladders either through the choreography or through the lymphomy system, causing inflammation. Other factors, such as cholesterol reversal, narrowness and chordworms, may also lead to cholesterol infestation.

Symptoms of cholesterolism vary according to their type and severity. Acute cholesterol patients often suddenly experience severe pain in the upper right abdomen, which can be radioactive to the right shoulder or back, often associated with nausea, vomiting and fever. At the medical examination, the upper right abdomen can have visible stress, anti-jump pain and muscle stress, and in some cases can touch a bloated gall bladder. Chronic cholesterol patients suffer from relatively light symptoms, often manifested in pain or oscillation in the upper right, aggravated by the consumption of greasy foods, which may also be associated with indigestion, gas and greasy.

For the diagnosis of cholesterol, the doctor takes into account the patient ‘ s symptoms, signs, laboratory examinations and the results of the visual examination. Blood tests show increases in white cell count and changes in the indicator of the increase of proteins to the upper degree of inflammation. Ultrasound is the preferred method of diagnosing cholesterol, which clearly shows the size, form, thickness of the cholesterol and the availability of stones. Inspections such as CT, MRI and others have also helped to improve the clarity of diagnosis.

The treatment of cholesterol depends on the severity of the condition. Conservative treatment, including fasting, gastrointestinal decompression, rehydration, resistance to infection, pain relief, etc., is usually used for acute cholesterol cases with mild symptoms. If conservative treatment is ineffective, or if there are serious complications such as cholesterol piercing and pericarditis, surgery is required, which is common in the form of cholesterectomy. Chronic cholesterol patients are also advised to remove the cholesterol if the symptoms are repeated and affect the quality of life, or if they are accompanied by changes in the cholesterol, the cholesterol, etc.

In addition to medical interventions, self-management of patients in their daily lives is important. In the area of diet, care should be taken to reduce the consumption of diets with high fats and cholesterol, such as fried foods, animal internal organs, etc., and to avoid heavy consumption. At the same time, there is a need to maintain regularity and avoid overwork and stress. Appropriate exercise helps to improve body quality and body resistance.

The key to the prevention of cholesterol is to maintain good habits and diet. Periodic medical examinations are conducted to detect and address potential problems such as gallbladders in a timely manner. In the case of patients who are already suffering from cholesterol disease, they must actively cooperate in the treatment and periodic review to prevent recurrence and increase.

In short, cholesterol, although a common disease, can be effective in controlling the condition, reducing its impact on health and improving the quality of life as long as we are fully aware of it, so that early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment and attention are paid to prevention and management in everyday life.

The gall bladder.