Rheumatism is a chronic self-immunizing disease that causes many inconveniences and suffering to the lives of patients. Daily maintenance is essential to contain the disease and improve the quality of life.
I. The dietary aspect. Patients should follow the principle of a balanced diet and ensure that sufficient proteins, such as skinny meat, fish, beans, etc., are consumed, helping to maintain muscle strength. Food with vitamin C, D and calcium, such as fresh vegetables, vegetables, dairy products, etc., is good for joint health. At the same time, there is a need to reduce the intake of high-fat and sugary foods and to avoid overweighting and increasing the burden of joints. For example, whole grains could be replaced by refined grains, choosing olive oil for cooking.
II. Physical exercise. Appropriate exercise increases muscle strength around joints and improves joint flexibility. Low-intensity sports, such as walking, swimming, Tai Chi Fist, etc., can be carried out during the mitigation period. Every exercise is about 30 minutes, three to five times a week. Full pre-motion warm-up, such as active joints and muscle stretching. Increased joint pain and so forth during the exercise should be immediately halted and given rest.
3. Protection of the joint. Care should be taken in daily life to protect the joints and avoid being in a bad position for long periods of time. In order to avoid long standing, positions change frequently. Use of assistive devices such as joint support pads, cane etc. to reduce joint pressure. When the items are taken, use your hands as much as possible to avoid single-handed force. When you go up and down the stairs, one step at a time and one step at a time, you can reduce your joint impact.
IV. Regularity. Maintain adequate sleep, 7 – 8 hours per night, for physical recovery and increased immunity. Set a regular schedule, get up, sleep and eat. (d) Avoiding late hours and overwork and preventing further illness.
V. Psychological adjustment. The length of the rheumatism arthritis tends to cause anxiety and depression. Patients must be properly aware of the disease and face it. Psychological stress can be alleviated by communicating with family and friends, and by participating in a group of friends. If necessary, the assistance of a professional psychologist is sought.
Periodic review. Periodic visits are carried out strictly at the doctor ‘ s request, usually every 1-3 months. The review items include blood protocol, blood sunk, C reaction proteins, rheumatist factors, etc., so that doctors can keep abreast of changes and adjust treatment programmes. At the same time, patients are required to give their daily symptoms, drug use and life problems to the doctor.
In general, routine maintenance of rheumatism patients is a long-term and comprehensive process. Through a wide range of efforts, such as rational diet, moderate exercise, joint protection, regularity, psychological adjustment and periodic review, patients are better able to control their condition, reduce their symptoms, improve their ability to provide for themselves and their quality of life, and better enjoy their lives in the fight against disease.