Trident nerve is the nerve that manages the facial, oral, nasal and chewing movement, and trident nerve pain is the severe pain that occurs in the trident nervous area and is the most common neuronal pain. The short-lived but severe pain, unpredictable, food, washing of the face, brushing of the teeth, even when the wind blows, can suddenly explode, inexcusable. But there are often patients in the clinical community who are not aware of trident neuropsychological pains but who feel that they are suffering from facial pains and who ultimately miss the best time for treatment. What difference does it make between trident neuropsychological pain and ordinary pain?
First of all, let’s distinguish between ordinary pain and trident pain:
1. The severity of the pain varies. When trident neuropsychiatric symptoms occur, the pain is very visible and particularly intense; patients tend to express their faces, with their hands and feet moving or even shouting; and for some patients with a high degree of pain, they hit the wall. In the case of general pain disorders, such as other causes, cheek pains caused by tooth pain, which are generally not high and can be tolerated by the patient.
II. The symptoms of an outbreak are different. There are no signs of tridental pain, and the patient cannot predict when the next pain will occur. Moreover, these pains are not sustained for long periods of time, but they occur more frequently. In the case of ordinary pain, there are symptoms, such as toothaches, which usually show swelling of the bed or cavity, and pain tends to have a more gradual process, from light to heavy.
The solution to pain is different. The pain of trident nerve pain is difficult to solve, and when it does not happen, they are no different from normal people, but when it does, they suffer no matter what they do. Moreover, there is no rapid and thorough solution to this type of pain and only access to hospitals for active treatment. The pain caused by dental pains or other conditions can be fully addressed after a visit to a doctor, and the treatment is simple and largely quick to achieve a cure.
With the development of the condition, the intermittent period has been gradually reduced, usually in minutes and hours, with the frequency of outbreaks and increasing pain. Severely ill persons can have several strokes per minute, usually only in the daytime, with light or no onset at night, and severely ill persons can have a night-time or even end-of-life event. As a result of the pain caused by the pain, the night was prevented from sleeping all night or awakened after sleeping, so that the night and the day could not rest.
Trident neuropsychiatric processes can be cyclical, each cyclically lasting from weeks to months, and the symptoms can then disappear or significantly abate. During this period of relief, patients tend not to have a fit, but after a period of time, the pain is repeated, with little chance of self-healing, and the pain increases with frequency. So trident neuropsychiatric therapy is necessary.
The trident neuropsychiatric diagnosis requires a combination of video screening in addition to clinical symptoms:
Trident nerve pain, known as “the first pain in the world”, does not affect the life of the patient, but it is unbearable and seriously affects the quality of daily life.
The first is to compare the clinical performance of trident neuropsychiatric pain, and if it is suspected that it is a trident neuropsy, it must be diagnosed in hospital. After learning about the specific history of the disease, there is a basic need for a systematic medical examination, an understanding of the basics of the body and an examination of facial feelings and muscle movements. In addition to this, a number of auxiliary examinations, such as blood protocol, MRI, CT, etc., are required to exclude the possible eventual diagnosis of other diseases.
How can you save a patient from this kind of torture if the trident nervous pain goes on?
1. Drug treatment
Primary trident neuropsychiatric treatment, of which kamasipine is the preferred drug, as well as Okasipin, Baclofen, Bento Sodium, etc. However, most drug treatments are used only for primary treatment.
Injecting treatment
There are two more commonly used methods, namely, trident neuropsychosis, commonly known as “confined needles”, which are more common, but have a more limited range of pain relief and are prone to relapse. The other is a half-month neurotic detoxification, which is a short-term, or even ineffective, injection in the trident nerve section.
3. Radio-frequency thermal condensation therapy
The radio frequency condenses the patient ‘ s neurological part of the protein by means of high-temperature action, blocking the transmission of nervous impulses. The treatment is good, it is widely applied and it is simple to operate, but there are more complications.
4. Surgery
The most important surgical method for the treatment of trident nerve pain is microvascular repressure. Drilling a small hole in the skull of a penny coin, which separates the blood vessels from the nerve root of the trident, so that the blood vessels no longer oppress the nerve roots, the effect of which can be said to be immediate.