In what circumstances do you need a test tube?

In vitro baby technology gives hope to many infertility couples, but not all couples who want children need or are suitable for in vitro baby, so what are the circumstances under which in vitro baby needs to be considered? In general, couples are diagnosed with infertility when they have a normal sexual life and are unconceptive for more than one year, in which case they are required to visit the hospital for an infertility test to find out the reasons for which the in vitro baby is indicated to have the choice of in vitro baby.

In general, in the following cases, in vitro assisted infant pregnancy needs to be considered:

1. The question of the tubing

The tubing is clogged, damaged or missing, which prevents the natural integration of sperm and eggs, and remains impregnable after the fallopy.

2. Severe male infertility

The number, quality or vitality of sperm is severely inadequate, and other treatments do not allow the woman to become pregnant.

3. Ovulation Barriers

The ovulation disorder caused by cystic ovarian syndrome, premature failure or other causes continues to prevent pregnancy through drug irritant ovulation treatment.

4. Endometriosis

Endometriosis may cause pain and infertility, and in vitro babies may be considered when other treatments are ineffective.

5. Unidentified infertility

After a comprehensive examination, no clear cause of infertility was identified and other treatments were ineffective.

6. Multiple artificial insemination failures

Couples who are still unable to become pregnant after multiple artificial inseminations.

7. Age factor

Females in particular, with age, the quantity and quality of eggs will decline, and in vitro babies may be a way of achieving fertility faster for older females.

There are, of course, many aspects involved in deciding whether or not to conduct an in vitro baby, and it is recommended that both spouses conduct a full medical examination, consult reproductive specialists and make a reasonable choice.

The above is a description of the circumstances in which the test tube is required to answer your question. If you have more questions about infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.