Eight of the most tumour-resistant Chinese drugs have been used to increase immunity and to counter tumour recurrence.

In Chinese medicine theory, various Chinese medicines are considered to be resistant to tumours, improve immunity and counteract tumour recurrence (growth transfer). The following are eight types of Chinese medicine that are widely considered to be more resistant to tumours, which not only contribute to increased immunity, but also, to some extent, counter the recurrence and growth of tumours:

1. Ling Chi

Efficacy: Ling Chi has been regarded since ancient times as a valuable drug, which has the effect of providing a positive and long-lasting life. Psychic spores (a tiny spores ejected from a fungus lid when she matures) are more likely to contain all her genetic active substances.

Anti-oncology mechanisms: Combinant sugar and tritium components in the ryoche enhance immunity and inhibit the growth and transfer of tumour cells.

2. Participation

Efficacy: Participation in Chinese medicine has the effect of remediating, rejuvenation, repletement, and blood.

Anti-oncology mechanisms: Pharmacological studies show that Pharmacological studies show that ginseng enhances the lethal effects of plasterization on tumour cells while reducing the toxic side effects of plasterization. In addition, human participation further inhibits the growth, invasion and transfer of tumour cells.

Red beanwood

Efficacy: Modern medicine extracts from red bean sprouts a unique anti-cancer mechanism and a higher anti-cancer active substance – violol.

Anti-oncological mechanisms: Viscortol prevents the reproduction of cancer cells and inhibits tumour cells.

4. White flower snake tongue

Efficacy: It has thermal detoxification, active haematosis, oedema removal, etc.

Anti-tumour regime: The active ingredients in white snakes’ tongues can inhibit the growth of tumour cells while increasing the immune capacity of the organism.

5. Half of the lotus

Efficacy: A variety of effects, including serolysis, biosynthetic bruising, urin swollen.

Anti-oncology mechanisms: Half of the lichen can be used to treat various types of cancer, such as liver and stomach cancer, and its active components can inhibit the growth and spread of tumour cells.

6. Yellow

Efficiencies: haemorrhaging, oxidizing, swollen water, swollen blood, etc.

Anti-oncology mechanisms: Combinants such as sugar in yellow lymphocytes can increase immunity and promote lymphocytes, thus inhibiting the growth and transfer of tumour cells.

7. Bumdung

Efficacy: It has thermal detoxification, osmosis, etc.

Oncological resistance: The active ingredient in Pucing is capable of inhibiting the growth of tumour cells while reducing the toxic side effects of the leachate.

8. Crane herbs

Efficacy: The active components of the screech grass can regulate the functioning of the immune system and enhance the immune capacity of the organism, thus helping patients to become more resistant to tumour cell attack and transfer.

Anti-oncology mechanisms: The shincrum herbs contain a variety of acetone and phenol acid compounds, which not only stop the bleeding but also are found to be carcinogenic. Cream grass inhibits the growth of tumour cells and is often used to assist in the treatment of various types of cancer, such as stomach and liver cancer.

Please note that the use of these Chinese medicines should be conducted under the guidance of a professional physician to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the use. At the same time, the anti-tumour effects of Chinese medicines require long-term, continuous treatment to be shown and patient patience and confidence should be maintained.

Oncological rehabilitation corridors in December 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of this month)

We’re looking for 80 oncology patients, and we have a clinical teacher with a professional Chinese-Western medical team of specialists to help you analyze the situation, so that you can get a real picture of the tumor.

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