What if there’s an increase?

First of all, let’s be clear, there’s definitely gonna be an increase after a nostril operation. To give a simple example, your hand was pierced by a knife, which must leave a scar. In the case of minor injuries, scars are almost invisible. If it’s a serious wound, there must be a scar or an increase in life.After the operation, it can only be said to minimize the degree of growth. The post-operative period begins with swollen periods and then increases. The increase usually lasts from three to six months, and then falls. Some changers may take six months to recede, i.e. until the recovery period ends one year after the surgery.As a changer, you can do the following:One is to avoid eating stimuli. Two is anti-smoking. Three is not to stay up all night, pacing. The fourth is to have proper taboos and not to eat hair.The doctor can help you with the tape. Because of reduced aerobics under tape, the increase can be reduced.