Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are two common chronic diseases, often occurring in one person at the same time. These two diseases, if not effectively controlled, increase the risk of serious complications such as heart disease and stroke. So it’s important for sugar people with urine problems to learn how to manage high blood pressure in the long term. And then we’re going to give you a simple, easy way to help us manage both better.
1. Understanding one ‘ s own condition. First, it is essential to know their health status. A full check-up at the hospital, including blood sugar levels, blood pressure readings and any other indicators that may affect health. We’ll discuss the results with the doctor, and we’ll develop a suitable treatment plan. It is recalled that medications are to be taken on time and that medical instructions are to be followed to adjust the dose or to replace the type of drug.
Healthy diet. Reasonable eating habits are important for controlling blood sugar and blood pressure. It is recommended to choose low-salt, low-fat food, more fresh vegetables and fruit, less processed food and more sugary food. In addition, adequate intake of fibre-rich food can help to reduce cholesterol levels, thus indirectly helping to control blood pressure. You can try to use olive oil for butter or other animal fat as cooking oil.
3. Regular motion. Proper physical exercise not only improves cardiovascular function, but also improves body sensitivity to insulin, thus facilitating blood sugar control. At least 150 minutes of aerobics per week (e.g., fast walking, swimming) plus two force trainings are recommended. It is advisable to consult professional trainers before starting to ensure that the activities selected are appropriate for their health.
4. Weight reduction. Overweight or obesity increases the risk of hypertension. Weight reduction is achieved through a rational mix of meals and an increase in daily activity. Even a small reduction of a few kilograms could bring significant benefits. Set realistic and feasible targets, such as a reduction of 1-2 kg per month, and then progress towards the ultimate desired body weight.
5. Prohibition of alcohol and tobacco. Smoking causes vascular constriction and increases blood pressure, while excessive alcohol consumption impairs liver function and affects internal metabolic processes. Therefore, for your own health, keep as far away from tobacco products as possible and limit alcohol intake. Men do not drink more than two standard drinks a day and women do not.
Maintain a good mind. Long-term exposure to disease can be a source of anxiety, but excessive stress is not conducive to recovery. Try to find ways to relax, like listening to music, reading books or participating in social events. The help of a psychologist can also be sought if necessary. Through the combination of these methods, it is believed that every diabetic can effectively manage his/her high blood pressure problems and enjoy a healthy life!