The mammogram is an abnormally thick or bloated mammogram, which may be benign or malignant. The emergence of mammograms may be accompanied by physical tips that help to identify breast anomalies and prompt individuals to seek medical assistance.Changes in breast appearanceBreast shape changes: Breasts may be partially or holistically altered, such as mammograms with dim skin (known as dimples) or mammograms not smooth.Skin change: The skin around the mammary is likely to be thicker, red and red, orange-skin change (known as orange pelvis) or skin ulcer.Breast changes: nipples may be ingested, tilted or spilled, especially blood spills.Mammogram change.Euphoria: The most obvious hint is the bulges that can be touched by the breast or armpit area, which may have one or more hairs and may be hard, tough or resilient.Quality inequality: The mammography may become uneven, with some areas likely stronger or thicker than other regions.Marginality is irregular: Compared to benign swelling, malignant swelling is often irregular and difficult to define.Pain and discomfortBreast pain: Some mammograms may be associated with pain, but it is worth noting that not all mammograms are related to the mammoth, and many of them are painless.Shoulder back pain: The mammogram may cause pain to the shoulder or back, especially when the knot is larger or is deep.Skin symptomsSkin red: Breast nodes may lead to local skin red, especially in cases of infection or inflammation.Skin temperature rises: The skin temperature in the nodal area may be higher than in the surrounding skin.All-body symptoms.lymph nodes are swollen: mammograms may be associated with lymph nodes in armpits or necks, especially in cases of breast cancer.All-body symptoms: In some cases, mammograms may be accompanied by all-body symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, fever, etc., which may be related to the nature of the nodal.Erosion.Single-side or double-side fluid spills: nipples may circulate blood, yellow, green or clear liquids, which may be caused by mammograms.Spills with swelling: If a nipple spill is accompanied by breast swelling, attention should be paid.Psychological impactAnxiety and stress: The detection of mammograms can give rise to anxiety, anxiety and stress, and these psychological effects are also a sign of the body ‘ s need for medical assistance.How to recognize mammoth.Self-censorship: periodic breast self-censorship, taking note of any such anomalies.Visual screening: Breast nodes can be detected through mammography (mammography), ultrasound or MRI.Clinical examination: The doctor examines the breast through contact, identifying any abnormal swelling or change.What should we do?Timely medical treatment: If mammograms or any of the above-mentioned indications are found, a doctor should be appointed immediately for an assessment.Further examination: The doctor may recommend further visual examinations, such as ultrasound or MRI, and possible biopsies to confirm the nature of the section.Regular follow-up: In the case of the Good Conclusions, doctors may recommend regular follow-up to monitor the changes.Treatment: If the knot is diagnosed as malicious, the doctor discusses the treatment options, which may include surgery, treatment, chemotherapy, hormone therapy or target-oriented treatment.ConclusionsThe mammogram may be accompanied by a variety of body tips, including changes in breast appearance and touch, pain, skin symptoms, whole-body symptoms, nipple fluids and psychological effects. Understanding these tips helps to detect breast abnormalities at an early stage, to obtain timely medical attention and to conduct appropriate examinations and treatment. Early detection and treatment of breast cancer are key to improving survival and quality of life. As a result, women should undergo regular breast self-examination and take part in recommended breast screenings.
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