Pictures of early symptoms of the sharp tweezers around the anal.

Some of the patients were clinically identified as hemorrhoids due to a lack of awareness of the acute wetting. To treat them as hemorrhoids would not only be incurable, but would also lead to anal decomposition, making treatment more difficult, and would also cost more money and suffer. So it’s important to know how hot and wet it is.

The acute hyena is caused by the human papilloma virus, mainly through sexual transmission. More than 90 per cent of the acute irradiated argon in clinical evidence is caused by HPV-6, HPV-11 and can also be combined with HPV-16, 18, 31, 33 and 35 high-risk infections. The high incidence of high-intensity anus is mainly attributed to homosexuals, who are sexually transmitted.

Patients with acoustic acoustic acoustic acoustics display light red, pink, small rashes, which are later increased, increased, integrated or overlapped, with nipples, bouquets, chicken coronals, some of which are tarts, wet soft and soft in red or pink, and around the anus white, brown or brown. Patients can find themselves in a state of discomfort such as itching, stinging, and long-term failure to treat carcinogenic changes.

There are a number of tests of the sharp hysteres of the anus, mainly identified through the acoustic bleaching test, the serotestation of HPV and even the organization of pathology. It is hoped that patients ‘ friends will be given adequate attention to early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment to avoid delays in the optimal treatment, leading to more serious complications.

The hazards of irregular treatment are also more evident, namely, the vulnerability to relapse and the vulnerability to infection, which can not only undermine the confidence of patients but also lead to serious psychological problems. Thus, a full-scale treatment of the acute hysteria requires a formal medical unit and the right treatment to heal as soon as possible.

In any case, if the diagnosis is confirmed, you must go to the regular hospital and get a specialist to treat you. Looking for a way to do it, there is now a Chinese-medicine treatment, which is more traditional, using oral and bubble-washing, and a variety of natural herbal formulas to help alleviate unnecessary suffering,

Very common STDs, sharp hysteria, STDs HPV HPV infections